- Brightness temperature
Brightness temperature is the temperature at which a
blackbody inthermal equilibrium with its surroundings would have to be in order to duplicate the observedintensity of an object at a frequency u.This is a useful concept only for radiation that obeys theRayleigh–Jeans law , and it is extensively used inradio astronomy andplanetary science .For a blackbody, the Planck distribution gives:
::I( u) = frac{2 h u^{3{c^2}frac{1}{e^{frac{h u}{kT-1}
:*I( u)d u , is the amount of
energy per unitsurface per unittime per unitsolid angle emitted in the frequency range between ν and ν+dν;:*T , is thetemperature of the black body;:*h , isPlanck's constant ;:*u , isFrequency .:*c , is thespeed of light ; and:*k , isBoltzmann's constant .In the Rayleigh-Jeans limit of low frequency, we find:
I_{ u }=frac{2 u ^2k T}{c^2
This can be rewritten to define the brightness temperature as:
T_b=frac{I_{ u } c^2}{2 u ^2 k
Brightness temperature is a useful diagnostic for temperature measurement if the astronomical source is a blackbody and we are in the Rayleigh-Jeans regime. It is not useful if the source is non-thermal and/or we are in the high frequency limit.
If the Planck distribution is reintroduced into the expression for brightness temperature we find:
T_b=frac{h u}{k ( ext{Exp} [h u /k T] -1)
So, e.g. for the Sun, where the temperature may be estimated to be 6000K, we can plot the brightness temperature against wavelength and we find that when h u /k T is much less than one, the brightness temperature and physical temperature are the same, but at higher temperatures the brightness temperature is much lower.
ee also
Compare with
color temperature andeffective temperature .
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