poo — poo·ri; na·poo; poo·dle; poo·na; sham·poo; hoo·poo; poo·kaun; sha·poo; … English syllables
Poo — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Hay varios lugares que se llaman Poo: Poo, una parroquia del concejo asturiano de Cabrales, en España. Poo, una parroquia del concejo asturiano de Llanes. Poo (EarthBound), un personaje hindú de Nintendo. También se… … Wikipedia Español
Poo — bezeichnet: Poo (Cabrales), eine Parroquia (Kirchengemeinde) in Cabralesin in Spanien Poo (Llanes), eine Parroquia am Jakobsweg in Llanes in Spanien Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter… … Deutsch Wikipedia
-poo — [po͞o] suffix forming adjectives and nouns with diminutive force, often disparaging: added to adjectives and nouns, esp. those ending in y or ie [cutesy poo, icky poo] * * * … Universalium
-poo — [po͞o] suffix forming adjectives and nouns with diminutive force, often disparaging: added to adjectives and nouns, esp. those ending in y or ie [cutesy poo, icky poo] … English World dictionary
poo — [pu:] n informal [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: pooh used when you smell a bad smell] 1.) [U and C] solid waste from the ↑bowels American Equivalent: poop 2.) [C usually singular] the act of passing waste from the ↑bowels American Equivalent: poop… … Dictionary of contemporary English
poo — [ pu ] noun INFORMAL count or uncount solid waste from the body. This word is used especially by and to children. a. singular an act of getting rid of solid waste from your body when you go to the bathroom ╾ poo verb intransitive … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
poo|ka — «POO kuh», noun. (in Irish legend) an evil spirit, sometimes in the form of an animal, such as a horse or rabbit: »Ireland s Celtic saints built Christian shrines of turf and mud to fend off pixies, pookas, hobgoblins and leprechauns (Time).… … Useful english dictionary
poo — excrement, 1950s, a children s word … Etymology dictionary
poo X — n. A poodle cross; a dog that results from the cross between a purebred poodle and another canine breed. Also: poo x. Example Citation: They re fluffy, they re cute, and they re everywhere. But don t try saying their names with a straight face.… … New words