

A Streetboard is a four wheeled platform used for the activity of Streetboarding, it is propelled by moving your feet in and out in conjunction with the shoulders.


The rider of a streetboard stands with one foot on each footplate, the feet are usually fixed to the board using foot-straps, and by moving his/her feet in and out in conjunction with the shoulders - the rider is able to propell the board in any direction using only his/her body weight. This transfer of energy is called non-holonomic locomotion. The board moves in a motion similar to that of a snake, hence the sports original name of snakeboarding.


In 1998 Snakeboard was sold to MV Sports and Leisure Group PLC. They stopped producing the sports boards, as they were a UK toy distributor, only selling the low end boards to UK superstore brands such as Littlewoods, Woolworths, and Argos.

With no new boards being produced, it was down to the riders to create new boards and designs.

The name "streetboard" was created by Anderson Streetboards USA. With a wider wooden center bar, more like a skateboard, at first the boards were not accepted by the original snakeboard riders. Later 'Dimension Streetboards', comprising of former snakeboard riders bought the patent from MV Sports so that they could produce newer streetboards. Dimension Streetboards have also allowed other companys to manufacture boards, Highland Streetboards and GrossO Boards. Although the industry is still small it is said to be showing signs of consistent growth within the past 3 years.

External links

* []
* [ Dimension streetboards]
* [ Highland streetboards]
* [ GrossO boards]
* [ Flipside Streetboards]
* [ Streetboard UK]
* [ Doomsday Streeboarding Australia]
* [ Streetboard World Championships]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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