- Bluegill
:"For the exoatmospheric nuclear test, refer to
Bluegill (nuclear test) .Taxobox
name = Bluegill
status = secure
image_width = 250px
regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Chordata
classis =Actinopterygii
ordo =Perciformes
familia =Centrarchidae
genus = "Lepomis "
species = "L. macrochirus"
binomial = "Lepomis macrochirus"
binomial_authority = Rafinesque,1819 The Bluegill ("Lepomis macrochirus") is aspecies offreshwater fish sometimes referred to as bream, brim, or copper nose. It is a member of the sunfish family (familyCentrarchidae ) of orderPerciformes . It is nativeto a wide area ofNorth America , fromQuébec to northernMexico ,and has been widely transplanted to stockgame fish for anglers. It is commonly fished in Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Texas, and Louisiana, and is the state fish of theU.S. state ofIllinois . It is renowned as an excellent tasting fish on par withWalleye .Fact|date=April 2007Of tropical sunfish body shape, the bluegill's most notable feature is the blueor black "ear", actually an extension of the gill cover called the "opercular flap." Its name, however, comes from the bright blue edging visible on its gill rakers. It can be distinguished from similar species by the (not always pronounced) vertical bars along its flanks. The bluegill grows to a maximum overall length of approximately 40 cm (16 in).
Bluegills are popular
game fish , caught with live bait, flies, hot dogs, raw chicken or other lures, chiefly at dawn and dusk. One of the easiest baits to use for them is white bread or a corn kernel!. Another efficient bait would be redworms or waxworms on ice jigs. They are noted for seeking out underwater vegetation for cover; their natural diet consists largely of smallinvertebrates and very small fish. The Bluegill itself is also occasionally used as bait for larger game fish species such asblue catfish andlargemouth bass . The bluegill is a schooling fish with schools of 20–30 individuals. These fish spawn in June in nests in the shallows. During this period males assume a very bold coloration, as they are guarding their nests. An interesting piece of theirbiology is that some males assume the coloration of the female fish so that the nest guarding males won't show aggression towards them. Then these "sneaker" males enter nests and spawn. Because of their size and the method of cooking them, bluegills are often calledpanfish . Bluegills are excellent fish to teach childrenangling . [http://www.idfishnhunt.com/warmwatermenu2.html] [http://lists.in.gov/pipermail/wildbulletin/2005-May/000142.html] , largemouth bass, and turtles prey upon bluegill.This makes them excellent bait for catching catfish though you must properly cut them to fit the anglers size hook or the anglers intended sized fish.In some locations where it has been transplanted, it is considered a pest:trade in the species is prohibited in
Germany andJapan . In the case of Japan, bluegill were presented to the crown prince, Akihito in 1960 as a gift byRichard J. Daley , mayor of Chicago. The prince, in turn, donated the fish to fishery research agencies in Japan from which they escaped, becoming aninvasive species which has wreaked havoc with native species. The emperor has apologized. [ [http://www.guardian.co.uk/japan/story/0,,2217425,00.html "Japan in culinary offensive to stop spread of US fish"] report by Justin McCurry from Tokyo in "The Guardian "November 26 ,2007 ]The specific epithet, "macrochirus," derives from the Greek "μακρός" (long) and "χείρ" (hand).
Role in human water supply
The cities of
San Francisco , New York, and Washington have utilized bluegills for monitoring their water supply from nonbiological toxicants such aspesticide s, mercury,cyanide ,heavy metals , fuel spills andphosphate s. Fish cough by flexing their gills to expel unwelcome particles, like grains of sand, from their breathing passages. Sensitive instruments listen for unusual amounts of coughing. [http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2006/09/06/MNG77L01H61.DTL] [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/5360612.stm] The American Army has given this device the commercial name "1090 Intelligent Aquatic BioMonitoring System".References
*FishBase : [http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Lepomis&speciesname=macrochirus "Lepomis macrochirus"]
*ITIS : [http://www.itis.usda.gov/servlet/SingleRpt/SingleRpt?search_topic=TSN&search_value=168141 "Lepomis macrochirus"]
* Parr, Cyndy Sims. [http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lepomis_macrochirus.html Lepomis macrochirus: Information] . "Animal Diversity Web." Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, 2002.
*Fish anatomy
* Maryann Mott. [http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/09/060928-bluegill-fish.html 'Bluegill Fish Monitor Water Supplies for Terrorist Attacks, Contamination]
**cite book |last=Rice |first=F. Philip |title=America's Favorite Fishing-A Complete Guide to Angling for Panfish |year=1964 |publisher=Harper Row |location=New York
*cite book |last=Rice |first=F. Philip |title=Panfishing |year=1984 |publisher=Stackpole Books |location=New York |isbn=0-943822-25-4
*cite book |last=Malo |first=John |title=Fly-Fishing for Panfish |publisher=Dillon Press Inc. |location=Minneapolis, Minnesota |year=1981 |isbn=0875182089
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