- Lyman-alpha forest
astronomical spectroscopy , the Lyman alpha forest is the sum ofabsorption line s arising from the Lyman alpha transition of the neutralhydrogen in the spectra of distantgalaxies andquasars .These absorption lines result from
intergalactic gas through which thegalaxy orquasar 's light has travelled. Since the absorption and emission of light follow the laws ofquantum mechanics , onlyphoton s with specific energies can be absorbed. This causes each individualabsorption line . The forest is created by the fact thatphoton s that come to us from distant light sources showHubble redshift that depends on the distance between us and the source of light.Since neutral hydrogen clouds at different positions between Earth and the distant light source see the photons at different
wavelength s (due to theredshift ), each individual cloud leaves itsfingerprint as anabsorption line at a different position in the spectrum as observed on Earth.The Lyman alpha forest is an important probe of the
intergalactic medium and can be used to determine the frequency and density of clouds containing neutralhydrogen , as well as their temperature. Searching for lines from other elements likehelium ,carbon andsilicon (matching inredshift ), the abundance of heavier elements in the clouds can also be studied. A cloud with a highcolumn density of neutral hydrogen will show typicaldamping wings around the line and is referred to as adamped Lyman alpha system .For quasars at higher redshift the number of lines in the forest is higher, until at a redshift of about 6, there is so much neutral hydrogen in the
intergalactic medium that the forest turns into aGunn-Peterson trough . This shows the end of thereionization of the universe.External links
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