Levi Kreis

Levi Kreis

Levi Kreis is an American vocalist and pianist. He appeared in an episode of "The Apprentice", where one team had to work with him to create and record a song to be played on XM Radio. Songs from his CD, "One of the Ones", have been used in episodes of "Days of our Lives" and "The Young and the Restless". Levi's second album, "The Gospel According to Levi", was released in 2006. [http://www.levikreis.com/html/about.php Bio - levikreis.com] ] It is a highly autobiographical album, with Levi discussing his journey of self-acceptance and questioning the more overtly fundamental elements of religion.

In 2007, He was cast as the role of Jerry Lee Lewis in a musical entitled "The Million Dollar Quartet", which plans to run in Chicago in 2008. He has since released his third album "Bygones", a collection of songs he recorded during his first year of moving from Tennessee to Los Angeles in 1997. He also had a brief stint in the national tour of Rent as the role of Roger. He played alongside of Matthew McConaughey in Bill Paxton's directorial debut "Frailty". His song, "Hardly A Hero", was used in the movie Kiss The Bride.


External links

* [http://www.levikreis.com Levi Kreis's Official web page]
* [http://levikreisdotcom.livejournal.com/ Levi Kreis's Blog]
* [http://www.feastoffools.net/gay-fun-show/2006/03/17/fof-269-levi-kreis-bares-his-soul-031706/ Interview with Levi Kreis] on the Feast of Fools (podcast), March, 2006
* [http://www.feastoffools.net/archives/2007/01/fof_462_-_get_o.php Interview with Levi Kreis] on the Feast of Fools (podcast), January, 2007

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