- Wehem Mesut
The period of
Ancient Egypt ian history known as wehem mesut (Manuel de Codage transliteration : wHm msw.t) can be literally translated as "Repetition of Births", but is usually referred to as the "Era of the Renaissance" [cite book|title=The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt|first=Ian|last=Shaw (ed)|publisher=Oxford University Press|pages=p.309|location=Oxford|year=2000] ) starts in about year 19 ofRamesses XI ) ofAncient Egypt ian history [Andrzej Niwinski, Bürgerkrieg, militärischer Staatsstreich und Ausnahmezustand in Ägypten unter Ramses XI. Ein Versuch neuer Interpretation der alten Quellen] at the end of the New Kingdom and the start of theThird Intermediate Period . It marks a final waning of the power of the centralised monarchy, withRamesses XI still nominallypharaoh , but withHerihor as High Priest of Amun in Thebes andSmendes in Tanis ruling respectively Upper and Lower Egypt. [José Lull, Los sumos sacerdotes de Amón tebanos de la wHm mswt y dinastía XXI] .References
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