Ulmus 'Homestead'

Ulmus 'Homestead'

Infobox Cultivar | name = "Ulmus" hybrid
hybrid = "U. pumila" × ('Commelin' × ("U. pumila" × "U. minor" 'Hoersholmiensis'))
cultivar = 'Homestead'

image_caption = 'Homestead', Netherlands. Photo: Ronnie Nijboer, Bonte Hoek kwekerijen
origin = USA
The American cultivar 'Homestead' is a complex hybrid released in 1984. Developed by the United States National Arboretum, it shares the same ancestry as 'Regal', and 'Urban', derived from the crossing of the Siberian Elm "Ulmus pumila" with ('Commelin' × ("Ulmus pumila" × 'Hoersholmiensis')).


The tree rapidly produces very upright growth culminating in a pyramidal crown, with dark foliage that turns yellow in autumn. The tree's ultimate height should be approximately 20 m, with a spread of 12 m Santamour, J., Frank, S. & Bentz, S. (1995). Updated checklist of elm (Ulmus) cultivars for use in North America. "Journal of Arboriculture", 21:3 (May 1995), 121-131. International Society of Arboriculture, Champaign, Illinois, USA.] Townsend, A. M. & Masters, W. O., "HortScience", 19: 897-898, 1984. ] .

Pests and diseases

'Homestead' has a good resistance to Dutch elm disease, but can be heavily to severely damaged by the Elm Leaf Beetle "Xanthogaleruca luteola" [http://www.sunshinenursery.com/survey.htm] .


The tree proved intolerant of hot and arid conditions in eastern Arizona, where it exhibited a high degree (> 50 %) of dieback in trials conducted by Northern Arizona University [http://www.for.nau.edu/cms/content/view/512/706/] . Trials conducted by the University of Minnesota confirmed the tree's susceptibility to sun scorch, and also its vulnerability to cambial damage over winter, although neither failing appeared to affect its long term performance Giblin, C. P. & Gillman, J. H. (2006). "Elms for the Twin Cities: A Guide for Selection and Maintenance." University of Minnesota.] . The tree is currently being evaluated in the National Elm Trial [http://treehealth.agsci.colostate.edu/research/nationalelmtrial/NET_Cultivars.htm] coordinated by Colorado State University.

'Homestead' has had a limited introduction to Europe Burdekin, D. A. & Rushforth, K. D. (Revised by Webber J. F. 1996). Elms resistant to Dutch elm disease. "Arboricultural Research Note" 2/96. Arboricultural Advisory and Information Service, Alice Holt, Farnham, UK. ] ; experimental plantings were made along streets in several Dutch cities, notably Beethovenstraat in Amsterdam, but many have since been replaced by 'Columella'. The tree also featured in trials in New Zealand during the 1990s at the Hortresearch station, Palmerston North.


;North America
*Bartlett Tree Experts acc. nos. 2001-100/1/2
*Brooklyn Botanic Garden [http://www.bbg.org/cgi/bgbase/search.cgi] , New York, acc. no. 20040605.
*Denver Botanic Gardens no details available
*Holden Arboretum acc no. 90-57
*Louisville Arboretum [http://www.ci.louisville.co.us/Boards/hfabarboretum.pdf] no details available
*Morton Arboretum acc. no. 964-2004
*New York Botanical Garden acc. nos. 1934/94, 954/97
*Smith College acc. no. 4403;Europe
*Brighton & Hove City Council, UK, NCCPG Elm Collection [http://www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/index.cfm?request=c1108042]


;North America
*Acorn Farms [http://www.acornfarms.com/acornfarmscontactus.htm] , Galena, Ohio.
*Bailey Nurseries [http://www.baileynurseries.com/] , St. Paul, Minnesota.
*Charles J. Fiore [http://www.cjfiore.com/rcat/searchplants.asp?page=1] , Prairie View, Illinois.
*J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co. [http://www.jfschmidt.com/index.html] , Boring, Oregon
*Johnson's Nursery [http://www.johnsonsnursery.com/] , Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin
*Sester Farms [http://www.sesterfarms.com/files/Sester%20Farms%2008-09%20Catalog.pdf] , Gresham, Oregon.;Europe
*Westerveld Boomkwekerij B.V. [http://www.westerveldbv.nl/] , Opheusden, Netherlands.


External links

*http://fletcher.ces.state.nc.us/programs/nursery/metria/metria11/warren/elm.htm Warren, K., J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co. (2002). "The Status of Elms in the Nursery Industry in 2000".

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