- Bambusoideae
image_width = 200px
image_caption = Bamboo forest inKyoto ,Japan
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Liliopsida
ordo =Poales
familia =Poaceae
subfamilia = Bambusoideae
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = See text.The Bambusoideae is a
subfamily of thetrue grass family Poaceae , and is characterized by having 3stigmas and are mostly tree-like [Judd, WS, CS Campbell, EA Kellogg, PF Stevens, MJ Donoghue [eds.] . 2008. Plant Systematics: A Phylogenetic Approach, 296-301. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland, Massachusetts USA.] . However, there are uncertainties at practically every taxonomic level within the Bambusoideae, and different types of data (floral morphology, vegetative structures, anatomy, and genetics) often result in support for differing relationships. The Bambusoideae generally consists a distinct “core” group of genera, the woody bamboos (Bambuseae )and an associated a group of genera of questionable affinity, the herbaceous Bambusoideae. The bamusoid taxa have long been considered the most “primitive” grasses, mostly because of the presence of bracteate, indeterminate inflorescences, “pseudospikelets,” and flowers with threelodicules , sixstamens , and threestigmas [Clark, LG, W Zhang, JF Wendel. 1995. A Phylogeny of the Grass Family (Poaceae) Based on ndhF Sequence Data. Systematic Botany 20(4): 436-460.] . In a recent study Clark et al. (1995) analyzed DNA sequences for thechloroplast gene ndhF were analyzed to address phylogenetic relationships among the major lineages of thePoaceae . They found that two tribes of neotropical herbaceous bamboo tribes, theStreptochaeteae andAnomochloeae , are resolved as the most basal clade within the grass family, confirming the hypothesis that elements within the Bambusoideae sensu lato are basal within the Poaceae, and also showing that the Bambusoideae s.l. ispolyphyletic [Clark, LG, W Zhang, JF Wendel. 1995. A Phylogeny of the Grass Family (Poaceae) Based on ndhF Sequence Data. Systematic Botany 20(4): 436-460.] . A recent study which analyzed the phylogenetic relationships within the Bambusoideae using rp116 intron sequence data from chloroplast DNA was able to further resolve some of the uncertainties remaining in Clark et al.’s (1995) analysis. Kelchner and Clark’s (1997) analysis resolved a Bambusoideae clade with twomonophyletic groups: the Bambuseae (woody bamboos) and the Olyreae/Parianeae (herbaceous bamboos) [Kelchner, SA, LG Clark. 1997. Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetic Utility of the Chloroplast rpl16 Intron in Chusquea and the Bambusoideae (Poaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 8(3): 385-397.] . Within the Bambuseae two clades were recovered corresponding to temperate and tropical woody bamboos, and the tropical taxa were even further divided into New World and Old World clades. The distinct lineages produced strongly correspond with geographic divisions, with major clades representing the New World herbaceous species (Olyreae/Parianeae), New World tropical woody bamboos, Old World tropical woody bamboos, and North temperate woody bamboos (allBambuseae ).ubdivisions
It is divided into two groups: the
Oryzodae and the Bambusodae. It has 13 tribes, as following:*Oryzodae
*:This group is also separated into subfamilyOryzaceae .
**:This tribe is also separated to form subfamilyAnomochlooideae . There is one genus: "Anomochloa ".
**:There is one genus: "Diarrhena ".
**:There are four genera: "Ehrharta ,Microlaena ,Petriella ,Tetrarrhena ".
**:There are 20 genera: "Agnesia ,Arberella ,Buergersiochloa ,Cryptochloa ,Diandrolyra ,Ekmanochloa ,Froesiochloa ,Lithachne " (also placed inOryzeae ), "Maclurolyra ,Mniochloa ,Olyra (plant) ,Pariana ,Parodiolyra ,Piresia ,Piresiella ,Raddia ,Raddiella ,Rehia ,Reitzia ,Sucrea ".
**:This tribe also forms subfamilyOryzoideae . It has 13 genera: "Chikusichloa ,Hydrochloa ,Hygroryza ,Leersia ,Luziola ,Maltebrunia ,Oryza ,Porteresia ,Potamophila ,Prosphytochloa ,Rhynchoryza ,Zizania ,Zizaniopsis ".
**:There is 1 genus in this tribe: "Phaenosperma ".
**:There are 4 genera: "Leptaspis ,Pharus ,Scrotochloa ,Suddia ".
**:This tribe has 2 genera: "Humbertochloa ,Phyllorhachis ".
**:There is one genus: "Streptochaeta ".
**:This tribe only has one genus: "Streptogyna ".
**:This tribe comprises woodybamboo s (or hardy bamboos). There are 91 genera, distributed into several subtribes:
***:Comprises 13 genera: "Actinocladum ,Alvimia ,Apoclada ,Arthrostylidium ,Athroostachys ,Atractantha ,Aulonemia " ("Matudacalamus"), "Colanthelia ,Elytrostachys ,Glaziophyton ,Merostachys ,Myriocladus ,Rhipidocladum ".
***:Comprises 16 genera: "Acidosasa ,Ampelocalamus ,Arundinaria ,Borinda ,Chimonocalamus ,Drepanostachyum " ("Himalayacalamus"), "Fargesia ,Ferrocalamus ,Gaoligongshania ,Gelidocalamus ,Indocalamus ,Oligostachyum ,Pseudosasa ,Sasa ,Thamnocalamus ,Yushania ".
***:Comprises 10 genera: "Bambusa " ("Dendrocalamopsis"), "Bonia " ("Monocladus"), "Dendrocalamus " ("Klemachloa, Oreobambos, Oxynanthera" or "Sinocalamus"), "Dinochloa ,Gigantochloa ,Holttumochloa ,Kinabaluchloa " ("Maclurochloa, Soejatmia"), "Melocalamus ,Sphaerobambos ,Thyrsostachys ".
***:Comprises 2 genera: "Chusquea ,Neurolepis ".
***:Comprises 5 genera: "Criciuma ,Eremocaulon ,Guadua ,Olmeca ,Otatea ".
***:Comprises 9 genera: "Cephalostachyum ,Davidsea ,Leptocanna ,Melocanna ,Neohouzeaua ,Ochlandra ,Pseudostachyum ,Schizostachyum ,Teinostachyum ".
***:Comprises 6 genera: "Decaryochloa ,Greslania ,Hickelia ,Hitchcockella ,Nastus ,Perrierbambus ".
***:Comprises one genus: "Racemobambos " ("Neomicrocalamus, Vietnamosasa")
***:Comprises 8 genera: "Chimonobambusa ,Indosasa ,Phyllostachys ,Qiongzhuea ,Semiarundianria " ("Brachystachyum"), "Shibataea ,Sinobambusa ,Temburongia " (incertae sedis).
**:There is one genus: "Guaduella ".
**:There is one genus: "Puelia ".References
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