Modeling language — A modeling language is any artificial language that can be used to express information or knowledge or systems in a structure that is defined by a consistent set of rules. The rules are used for interpretation of the meaning of components in the… … Wikipedia
Rebeca (disambiguation) — Rebeca is a a pop eurodance singer, producer, songwriter and actress.Rebeca may also refer to: * Rebeca Modeling Language, an actor based language with a formal foundation, designed in an effort to bridge the gap between formal verification… … Wikipedia
Actor model — In computer science, the Actor model is a mathematical model of concurrent computation that treats actors as the universal primitives of concurrent digital computation: in response to a message that it receives, an actor can make local decisions … Wikipedia
Модель акторов — В компьютерных науках модель акторов представляет собой математическую модель параллельных вычислений, которая трактует понятие «актор» как универсальный примитив параллельного численного расчёта: в ответ на сообщения, которые он получает, актор… … Википедия
Formal methods — In computer science and software engineering, formal methods are particular kind of mathematically based techniques for the specification, development and verification of software and hardware systems.cite web|author=R. W. Butler|title=What is… … Wikipedia
Формальные методы — Пример формальной спецификации с использованием Z нотации В информатике и инженерии программного обеспечения формальными методами называется группа техник, основанных на математическом аппарате для … Википедия
arts, East Asian — Introduction music and visual and performing arts of China, Korea, and Japan. The literatures of these countries are covered in the articles Chinese literature, Korean literature, and Japanese literature. Some studies of East Asia… … Universalium
Mexico's Next Top Model, Cycle 1 — Promotional Photograph of Cycle 1 of Mexico s Next Top Model Format Reality television Created by … Wikipedia
El Vacilón de la Mañana — was New York s top Spanish language morning radio show. It is broadcasted from La Mega (97.9 MHz) and it is syndicated live to a number of different markets in the US such as Providence, RI, Miami Orlando, FL, Atlanta, GA, Hartford, CT and Puerto … Wikipedia