Asparagus racemosus

Asparagus racemosus

name = Asparagus

image_width = 240px
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Liliopsida
ordo = Asparagales
familia = Asparagaceae
genus = "Asparagus"
species = "A. racemosus"
binomial = "Asparagus racemosus"
binomial_authority = Willd.cite web
title=Asparagus racemosus information from NPGS/GRIN
synonyms =
*"Asparagus rigidulus" Nakai
*"Protasparagus racemosus" (Willd.) Oberm.

"Asparagus racemosus" or "Satavar" is a creeper of the plant genus "Asparagus". It contains adventitious root system with tuberous roots. For each plant, many tuberous roots are present. These tuberous roots after proper processing and drying are used as medicine in Ayurveda, with the name of Shatavari. Leaves of it are reduced to cladodes. Branches contain spines on them.

In Ayurveda, it is used as anodyne, aphrodisiac and galactogogue.

Shatavari is considered to be the main Ayurvedic rejuvenating femal tonic for overall health and vitality. The reputed adaptogenic effects of Shatavari may be attributed to its concentrations of saponins, known as Shatavarins. In Sanskrit, Shatavari means "she who possesses a hundred husbands."


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