- Staro Sajmište
Staro Sajmište (Serbian
Cyrillic : Старо Сајмиште) is an urban neighborhood ofBelgrade , the capital ofSerbia . It is located in Belgrade's municipality ofNovi Beograd and it was the site of theWorld War II Sajmište concentration camp (1941 -1944 ).Location
Staro Sajmište is located in the Novi Beograd's Block 17, between the street of "Zemunski put" (extension of the "Savski most" bridge), the "
Mihajlo Pupin " boulevard (extension of theBranko's bridge ) and theSava river. It extends into the non-residential neighborhood ofUšće on the north, along the Savaquay into the newPark Republika Srpska on the east and into the newly decelopedSavograd on the west. "Sajmište" street curves within the settlement. South of the "Zemunski put", a "Sajmište" parking lot is located where the unappropriately parked cars are being tolled to.History
Before 1941
In the period between the World Wars, settlements began to form on the left bank of the Sava river, closer to Belgrade, as the only existing settlement on the marshy territory of today's Novi Beograd at that time was the village of
Bežanija , quite far away from Belgrade. Settlements were known as the Novo Naselje ("new settlement") and Sajmište ("fair ground"). Settlements developed without any urbanistic plans.A complex of buildings was built in Sajmište in
1938 . It was the site of the new Belgrade fair (hence the name), spreading over an area of 15,000 m² with modern and artistic buildings and constructions, including high metal spike construction. It hosted international fairs, with task of promoting the economy of theKingdom of Yugoslavia as well. In September1938 one of the exhibitions on the fair was the first presentation oftelevision in this part ofEurope (it will be 18 years before first television station in communist Yugoslavia will appear).War years
After the April war of 1941 when
Germany and its allies occupied and partitioned the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, entireSyrmia region (including the left bank of the Sava) became part of theIndependent State of Croatia where they set theUstaše regime. Nazi secret police,Gestapo , took over Sajmište. They encircled it with several rings ofbarbed wire turning it into what they referred to as "collection center" - a euphemism for a prison. It eventually became anextermination camp . Until May1942 Germans usedSajmište concentration camp to mostly kill offJews from Belgrade and other parts ofSerbia . From April1942 onwards, Serbian prisoners were transported in from Jasenovac and Stara Gradiška concentration camps run by ISC Croatian Ustaše. Partisans captured throughoutSerbia were also sent to Sajmište. Detainees were also sent in from other parts of Yugoslavia, especially Serbs after major German offensives on briefly liberated territories. Executions of captured prisoners lasted as long as the camp existed.Among others, prisoners included Serbian women, children and the elderly from
Kozara region, entire Jewish families from Belgrade and other cities, Roma families, as well as entire Serbian populations of different Syrmian villages. November1946 report released by Yugoslav State Commission for Crimes of Occupiers and their Collaborators claims that close to 100,000 prisoners came through Sajmište's gates. It is estimated that around 48,000 people perished inside the camp.From 1945
After the war, settlement was totally neglected for years. It was left without maintenance and gradually started falling apart. Former fair buildings were awarded to some prominent artists (painters and sculptors) as their
atelier s. Finally onJuly 9 ,1987 , Belgrade City Assembly decided to make Staro Sajmište a cultural site, thereby protecting it from real-estate expansion development. OnApril 21 ,1995 , a monument in remembrance of Sajmište victims was unveiled along Sava, one day ahead of the 50-year anniversary of Hitler admitting defeat onApril 22 ,1945 .However, almost nothing was done to conserve the area and today Staro Sajmište is in a very bad shape. Few remaining old artists have no resources to renovate the complex themselves and the area became the gathering site for vagrants and criminals, so the ateliers are often looted. The population of the neighborhood was 2,250 in 2002.
After the new site of the Belgrade Fair was constructed on the right bank of the Sava, Sajmište became known as "Staro Sajmište" ("old fair ground").
* "Beograd - plan grada"; M@gic M@p, 2006; ISBN 86-83501-53-1
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.