- List of vampires in folklore and mythology
This list covers the many types of
vampire s or vampire-likelegendary creature s of globalfolklore andmythology . It does not include any vampire that originates in a work of fiction.A
*Adze -
Ghana andTogo
*Alp -Germany
*Aluka -Syria andIsrael
*Asanbosam -Africa
*Asema -South America
*Asiman -West Africa
*Aswang -Philippines
*Azeman -Surinam B
*Bajang -
*Bantu -India There are three main kinds of this vampire including
**Bantu Dugong
**Bantu Parl
**Bantu Saburo
*Baobhan Sith -Scotland 's Highlands
*Bhūta -India
*Blutsauger -Germany
*Brahmaparush -India
*Bruxa -Portugal with the males being called
*Cadaver Sanguins - Mideval
* Callicantzaro -Greece
*Camazotz - Maya Mythology
*Cihuateteo -Aztec Mythology
*Chedipe - India
*Chiang-shih 僵屍 or 殭屍 -China also under the names of
*Chupacabra -Chile ,Mexico , TheUnited States of America
*Churel -India
*Cihuacoatl D
*Dakhanavar -
Armenia with the following spelling variation:
*Danag -Philippines
*Dearg-due -Ireland with the spelling variation
*Dhampire -Slovakia with the following variations in spelling:
*Doppelsauger -Germany E
Edimmu -Sumer Iraq with the following spelling variation:
*Empusia -Ancient Greece which is also called:
*Ereik -Russia F
*Gayal -
*Ghul -Arabia الغول ,Japan , thePhilippines with the following spelling variations:
Impundulu - Africa
*Incubus -Medieval Europe with the female couterpart
**Succubus J
* Jaracacas -
Brazil K
Kali काली -India
*Kappa 河童 -Japan with the following spelling variations:
**Gataro 川太郎
**Kawako 川子
*Kasha -Japan L
*Lamia -
*Lampire - Bosnia
*Langsuir -Malaysia Also under the names of the
*Lidérc -Hungary
*Lilith לִּילִית -Sumer Iraq With another name of
*Loogaroo -Caribbean Islands Mauritius
*Lugat -Albania Also under the name of
*Mandurugo -
*Masani -India
*Melusine -France
*Mulo - the plural being Mulé, with the following spelling variation:
*Nachtzehrer -
Germany with the following possible spelling variations:
*Nelapsi -Slovakia
*Nora -Hungary O
Obayifo -West Africa
*Ohyn -Poland
*Opyrb with the following spelling variation
*Pacu Pati -
*Pelesit -Malaysia
*Penanggalan -Malaysia R
*Rakasahas -
India with the following spelling variation
*Revenants - (Medieval)England
*Richmond Vampire -Richmond, Virginia , USA*Strigoi -
Romania with the following variations
*Strix -Ancient Rome with the following spelling variations
*Sukuyan - Caribbean
*Sybaris -Greece T
*Talamaur -
*Tlahuelpuchi -Mexico with the following spelling variation
*Ubour -
*Upir -Russia with the following spelling variation
*Ustrel -Bulgaria
*Utukku -Sumer Iraq V
Vârcolac -Romania with the variations
*Vetlas -India
*Vhlk'h dlaka -Greece
*Vjesci -Germany
*Vourdalak -Russia
*Vrykolakas βρυκόλακας -Greece with the spelling variation
*Yama -
Tebet ,Nepal andMongolia
*Yara-ma-yha-who -Australia Z
*Zaloznye Pokojniki -
*Zorfabio -New Zealand References
*An Encyclopaedia of Occultism By Lewis Spence 1960 University Books Inc. New Hyde Park, New York
*The Vampire Watchers Handbook by "Constantine Gregory" and Craig Glenday, 2003 St. Martin's Press New York New York, pages 62-63
*Mysteries of Mind Space and Time, The Unexplained series 1992 Orbis Publishing Limited Westport Connecitcut, Pages 150-151,
*A World of Vampires, documentary special, from the Two-Disk Special Edition Lost Boys DVD
*The Vampire Book by J. Gordon Melton
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