Abed Chaudhury

Abed Chaudhury

Abed Chaudhury is a Bangladeshi geneticist and science writer living in Australia.

Work in science

Dr. Abed Chaudhury is a well-known geneticist and writer in both Bangla and English who together with colleagues in Australia isolated the FIS (fertilization independent seed) genes; fis mutants can produce partial seed without fertilization. These are the first characterised genes involved in apomixis, a method of making seed without the father.

Abed Chaudhury got his Ph.D. from University of Oregon, USA and did post-doctoral research at NIH and MIT, of USA, and was a visiting scientist at Ecole Normal Superieure in France.

He is leading a group of scientists in Australia in his research.

Mr. Chaudhury was a student of Notredame College of Dhaka.

Chaudhury is currently living in Australia


His first book "Shoibal O Ontorikko" ( _bn. শৈবাল অন্তরীক্ষ ) was an anthology of poems published by Dibya Prokash in 1999.


*Manusher Gene, Gener Manush
*Anuvaber Neelnaksha (Blueprint of Feelings)
*Shoibal O Ontorikko (Poems, published in 1999 by Dibya Prokash)
*Durbashishir O Porbotmala
*Paradigm Shift (Essays, published in 2007 by Shomoy prokashon)


*Durba Sisir O Porbotmala
* [http://www.priyoaustralia.com/writers/abed/life/ Life in PriyoCanberra] , at PriyoAustralia.com

He has written many articles in several science journals for scientists and in normal papers for general people in Bangla and English.

External links

* [http://www.priyoaustralia.com.au/writers/abed/ Abed Chaudhury articles] , at PriyoAustralia.com.au
* [http://www.thedailystar.net/2006/01/16/d60116070483.htm Hunt for young talents]
* [http://www.gronthamela.com/AuthorWiseBooks.php?j=0&au_id1=1596&id11=9000&praka_id1=1111&day=222&m=22&y=3333 Books of Abed Chaudhury]
* [http://www.weeklyholiday.net/050903/com.html Editorial]
* [http://www.weeklyholiday.net/2006/240206/edit.html Editorial]
* [http://www.matholympiad.org.bd/news.htm Math Olympiad]
* [http://www.kanihati.com Kanihati.com]

* [http://video.google.com.au/videoplay?docid=5484123395886903752&hl=en-AU Channel-i Interview, 18 April 2007] , courtesy PriyoAustralia.com.au

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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