

SeuZé, it's a band from Brazil that mixes Rock with regional rhythms. The lyrics talk about the reality in the Northeast of their origin place.

The band

* Lipe Tavares (vocal/bass)
* FeLL Cavalcanti (vocal/guitar)
* Augusto Souza (guitar)
* Xandi Rocha (drums)


Making fusion of distorced guitars with antagonic rhythms (like rock and Brazilian types of music), the band is very well received by the critiques in general, that think they are very original and made his own style of make music.


The musics talk about the reality in the Northeast of Brazil. They play musics from national artists that are influences. The Stanley Kubrick's films, for example, have strong influence in the way of make concerts and songs.


* Chico Buarque
* Luiz Gonzaga
* Mutantes
* Secos E Molhados
* Caetano Veloso
* Stanley Kubrick


Band CDs

* "SeuZé" (Demo). 2003. Independent.

* "Realidade Não Tão Paralela" (EP). 2004. DoSol Records

* "Festival do Desconcerto" (CD). 2005. Mudernage Records.


* "Coletânea Bronzeador Virtual" (CD-R/Coletânea virtual). 2004. [ Do Sol Records]

* "Coletânea Virtual Papa – Jerimum/Tim Mada 2005" (CD-R/Coletânea virtual). 2005. [ Rock Potiguar]


* [ Official Website]
* [ Official Flog]
* [ Trama Virtual and SeuZé]
* [ SeuZé and Mudernage Records]
* [ Festival do Desconcerto - Their CD]
* [ SeuZé's Lyrics]
* [ Velvet Discos comments SeuZé]

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