Michel de Grammont

Michel de Grammont
Michel de Grammont
c. 1645 – April 1686
Nickname Chevalier de Grammont
Type Buccaneer
Place of birth Paris, France
Place of death near St. Augustine, Florida
Allegiance France
Years active c. 1670 - 1686
Rank Admiral
Base of operations Caribbean
Commands Hardi

Michel de Grammont (c. 1645 - 1686?) was a French pirate. He was born in Paris, France and was lost at sea, north-east Caribbean, April 1686. His pirate career was from c.1670 - 1686. His flagship was the Hardi.

Pirate career

Chevalier de Grammont was a nobleman who came into disfavour after killing his sister's suitor in a duel. Forced to leave France he went to Hispaniola where he was given a French ship and served as a privateer. His first success was the capture of a Dutch convoy, valued at about 400,000 livres (US$4 million). On his next voyage he ran on a reef and sank. Grammont moved to Tortuga where he bought and outfitted a new ship which he used to attack Spanish shipping. When war broke out between France and Holland in 1678, he joined a fleet under the command of Comte d'Estrées for an abortive raid on the Dutch island of Curaçao however, the entire fleet of 17 vessels was wrecked on the isla Aves.

In June 1678 he was made commander of the six ships and 700 men salvaged from the Las Aves Disaster. De Grammont landed his men in Spanish-held Venezuela and captured Maracaibo then followed the capture and plundering of several smaller towns, penetrating as far inland as Trujillo. For the next six months the pirates plundered the entire region. This was followed by another successful raid on the Venezuelan port of La Guaira, captured in a daring night attack, though the buccaneers only escaped with difficulty when attacked by a larger Spanish force.

In June of 1680, de Grammont joined forces with Thomas Paine and a captain named Wright at Isla La Blanquilla. Together with 50 men they successfully raided the town of Cumana although it was defended by 2,000 Spanish soldiers. Grammont however was badly wounded by a sword and returned to Las Aves to recover.

Following his recovery, de Grammont commanded eight ships but had no success until 1682 when, at the request of the governor of Petit-Goâve, he joined Nicholas van Hoorn to harass Spanish shipping. During this period they attacked ships which unknown to them belonged to the Dutch pirate Laurens de Graaf, on meeting de Graaf on Bonaco Island they asked him to join them. De Graaf initially refused but later agreed.

In May 1683, de Grammont, van Hoorn and de Graaf sacked Vera Cruz in Mexico, taking 4,000 prisoners for ransom.

In July 1685, the three also sacked the Mexican city of Campeche but after two months of plundering the city with little result, de Grammont sent a demand for ransom to the governor who refused. De Grammont then commenced to execute prisoners as retaliation, but de Graaf stopped the executions and de Grammont parted company from his allies.

De Grammont was last seen in April 1686 sailing in the northeast direction sailing off of St.Augustine. Although his exact fate is unknown, his ship was reported lost with all hands in a storm shortly after he set sail.


  • Pickering, David. "Pirates". CollinsGem. HarperCollins Publishers, New York, NY. pp-59. 2006.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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