Carolina Tohá

Carolina Tohá

Carolina Montserrat Tohá Morales (born May 12 1965) is a Chilean politician and a member of the Chilean Chamber of Deputies. She is the daughter of the late Socialist politician, Vice President, and minister of Salvador Allende, José Tohá.

Tohá made her debut in politics in 1984 as a leader of the University of Chile student federation (Fech). During the government of Ricardo Lagos she was Deputy Minister Secretary General of the Government. In 1999 she was vice-president of the Party for Democracy (PPD). In 2001 she was elected to parliament, representing the Santiago district, and was reelected in 2005.

Tohá has a law degree from the University of Chile and a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Milan. She is married to physician and fellow Socialist deputy Fulvio Rossi.

External links

* [ Curriculum at the Chamber of Deputies site] (in Spanish)

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