

Kisiljevo is a village in north-east Serbia (Braničevo District), located at municipality Veliko Gradište (Велико Градиште). The village is populated with 704 habitants (2002. census).

The case of Peter Plogojowitz

In the early eighteenth century the village Kisiljevo was a part of District Rham in Habsburg Monarchy. Peter Plogojowitz (Serbian Cyrillic: Petar Blagojević/Петар Благојевић) (d.1725) was a Serbian peasant from this village who died in 1725, and his death was followed by a spate of other sudden deaths, giving rise to the rumor he was a vampire. His body was subsequently staked through the heart and burned. An official of the Austrian imperial administration reluctantly permitted the procedure.The Austrian official's report on that event was among the first documented testimonies about vampire beliefs in Eastern Europe, and the document was widely translated West and North, contributing to the vampire craze of the eighteenth century in Germany, France and England.According to the local office representative of Kisiljevo, Mirko Bogičić, there are families with the same name living in the village, but it is unknown whether Peter Plogojowitz can be their ancestor.

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