Lords of River Run

Lords of River Run

The "Lords of River Run" are characters in Melanie Rawn's fantasy novels of the Dragon Prince and Dragon Star trilogies.

These Lords are the close relatives of Sioned, the Sunrunner Princess of the Desert and Rohan's wife. Through their loyalty and bravery almost all here are now Princes, but River Run is the simple beginning that binds their pasts together. The Lords of River Run include Davvi, Kostas, Tilal, their wives, and their children.

"River Run" is a small holding in the Princedom of Syr. Although its Lords are close cousins to the Syrene royal line, the holding is only of moderate size and wealth. The lands and wealth of River Run nearly doubled after the marriage of Lord Davvi and Wisla, who was the heiress of River View. River View shared a border with River Run and at its Lord's death became part of River Run.

Syr's royal color is turquoise, and its banner shows a silver apple on turquoise. The royal houses of Syr and Ossetia have many ties through marriage and blood. Its color is dark green, and its banner is a golden wheat sheaf on a green field.

Dragon Prince place| name = River Run

bgcolor = green
fgcolor = black
colors = green and black
banner =
princedom = Syr
seat =
jewels =
trade = wine, agriculture


Dragon Prince character| name = Lord Davvi of River Run

bgcolor = white
fgcolor = turquoise
race = human
birth = 665, River Run, Syr
colors =
rings =
dragon =
titles = Prince of Syr, Lord of River Run, Lord of River View
princedom = Syr

"Davvi, Lord of River Run, Prince of Syr" , was born in 665 as heir to a small Keep in Syr called River Run. Davvi was probably fostered out to another Keep around the age of twelve like most young lordlings, but then his parents died unexpectedly. Davvi had to return home as he was now the Lord of River Run, at the age of fifteen. On top of that already huge responsibility, he now had a three year old sister named Sioned to raise. Davvi did the best that he could, but he just wasn't sure what to do with his little sister, so she pretty much had free rein around the Keep. In 686 Davvi married Wisla of River View, adding those holdings to his. Davvi hoped that Wisla could be a mother to Sioned, but his wife took a dislike to the girl, saying that she was odd. Three years of hearing this and sensing that Sioned was indeed different, Davvi sent his sister to Goddess Keep. In the passing years Wisla bore him a son, Kostas. Years passed and no other child came. Then, in 692 they had another son, Tilal. Two years later they had a daughter named Riaza, whom they all doted upon.

Life was quiet for the most part, and Davvi was a typical Lord, well off, but not overly wealthy. He wasn't able to attend the "Rialla" of 698. He heard about it later though, and the marriage of his sister Sioned to Prince Rohan of the Desert. Wisla developed a newfound fondness for his sister.

Three years passed, and then a plague swept over the Continent. Riaza, their darling daughter was taken from them. Davvi heard later that Sioned nearly died as well, but a cure was found in the drug "dranath". The drug was only found on Veresch in Princemarch, and the price too high for most people to buy. Then, Rohan of the Desert bought the herb in tons and distributed it to all Princedoms. Davvii knew then that his sister had married well, and that the rumors of the Desert Prince being an imbicle were likely false. He got the chance to meet Rohan and see Sioned again in 702, when he and Wisla took Tilal to Stronghold, the royal seat of the Desert, to be fostered. Over the next couple of years, Davvi heard nothing but the marvels of Aunt Sioned and Uncle Rohan from his youngest son.

In 704 war broke out between the Desert and Princemarch. Due to a peace treaty that had been signed back in 698, all other Princedoms were called to fight with High Prince Roelstra. The old Prince of Syr, Davvi's Prince, had died of plague. The new Prince, Jastri, was just a boy of sixteen and easily swayed to Roelstra's side. Davvi tried to convince his Prince that Roelstra was using him and that Rohan had not broken the treaty; he had merely chased the "Merida" who were attacking his people across the border into Cunaxa. Davvi had heard about the attacks from Tilal. Jastri wouldn't listen. Instead of standing behind his misguided Prince, Davvi rode to Rohan and fought at his side. In the end Rohan won the war in a duel against Roelstra. In the aftermath of Rohan being named High Prince and Sioned High Princess, Rohan named Davvi Prince of Syr as Jastri had been killed without an heir during the war.

Davvi lived many more years, seeing both his sons marry and Gemma of Syr, Jastri's sister and his ward since the war, happily married to Tilal. (Wisla had died in 717.) Davvi was proud of both his sons and died a happily content man in 724.


Dragon Prince character| name = Lord Wisla of River View

bgcolor = white
fgcolor = turquoise
race = human
birth = 663, River View, Syr
colors =
rings =
dragon =
titles = Princess of Syr, Lady of River Run, Lady of River View
princedom = Syr

"Wisla of River View, Lady of River Run, Princess of Syr" , was born in 663 and was the heiress of River View, which bordered the holding of River Run. In 686 she married Davvi, the young Lord of River Run, which led to the combination of their lands and holdings. In the early years of their marriage, Wisla had to deal with Davvi's much younger sister, Sioned. Aside from the fact that she resented the competition for being Lady of the Keep, Wisla felt there was something strange about the girl. Wisla's intuition was correct: Sioned was a "faradhi". Wisla bade Davvi to send the girl to Goddess Keep, which he did.

Wisla bore Davvi two sons, Kostas and Tilal, and a daughter, Riaza. As their first child, Kostas had the misfortune - or fortune - to be somewhat overlooked by his mother. Motherly instincts did not kick in until Tilal was born; Wisla coddled him so excessively that the boy was an incredible snob by the time he was fostered out to Stronghold.

In 705 Wisla became Princess of Syr. She enjoyed her new status in life and her relation to Sioned, who was now High Princess as well as Princess of the Desert. Wisla died in 717.


Dragon Prince character| name = Lord Kostas of River Run

bgcolor = white
fgcolor = turquoise
race = human
birth = 687, River Run, Syr
colors =
rings =
dragon =
titles = Prince of Syr
princedom = Syr

"Kostas, Prince of Syr" , was born in 687 to Davvi and Wisla. He was the heir to River Run and River View. For many years he was an only child, often overlooked by his mother, who didn't seem to find her motherly instincts until the birth of her second son five years later. Kostas loved his little brother, but - he would deny it - was jealous of him too. In 700 Kostas was fostered out to Kadar Water, and seven years later he was knighted.

At the "Rialla" of 719 , Kostas determined to wed Gemma of Syr. He was to be Prince of Syr and her dowery was Ossetia due to various deaths. He wanted to be Prince of both. She refused him. He said he loved her, and in his own way he did, but she still refused him. Kostas tried to get her alone so he could press his suit. He tried to kiss her and she drew away; he grew frustrated and tried again. Then Tilal showed up, furious, and the two brothers fought, swords drawn, Gemma yelling at them to stop. Neither one did, not until Pol, the future High Prince intervened. It came out that Gemma was in love with Tilal; that was why she had refused him. She told Kostas that her best friend Danladi had taken a liking to him. Kostas had never really paid attention to the quiet, blonde girl shadowing Gemma's steps. He spent the next year courting Danladi, then married her. She bore him two children, Danvi and Aladra.

Unlike his brother, who had been squired by Rohan, Kostas, now Prince of Syr, loved to fight. He had a warrior's spirit. When the "Vellanti" War broke out Kostas was more than willing to fight in defense of his people and his homeland. He revelled in it and won many victories. Too many. In 737 he was assassinated by the "Merida", allies and kinsmen of the "Vellant'im".


Dragon Prince character| name = Lady Danladi

bgcolor = white
fgcolor = purple
race = human
birth = 694, Castle Crag, Princemarch
colors =
rings =
dragon =
titles = Princess of Syr
princedom = Syr

"Danladi" was born in 694 to Roelstra and his mistress, Aladra. Unlike the most of Roelstra's Line, Danladi was not ambitious or cruel in her cunning. She was not outspoken or greedy either. She was like a quiet flower, beautiful and gentle. After her father had been killed in the war with the Desert, Danladi met Gemma of Syr, whose brother had died at Roelstra's side. Instead of resenting or disliking Danladi for her father, Gemma befriended the girl and stood up for her whenever she felt someone was being cruel or unfair. Prince Davvi took Danladi under his care, so the two girls wouldn't be separated.

Danladi loved Gemma for accepting her and being her friend, and was content to stay in Gemma's vibrant shadow. Until she met Kostas at least. Danladi knew that Gemma did not want to marry the future Prince of Syr - her friend's heart lay elsewhere - and she wanted Syr's heir for herself, even though she knew she wasn't his first choice in wife. Kostas came to realize - rather abruptly - that Gemma was not for him, and his sights were turned to Danladi herself. He courted her for a year and the two finally married. She bore him two children, Danvi and Aladra.

During the war with the "Vellant'im", Danladi helped as she could. She worried for her husband and her children, especially Danvi, who had been fostered to Stronghold. She knew her husband had a warrior's spirit, and that it was singing at last. She heard of his victories. She heard of his death. She knew that he had loved her and she was told that his last thoughts and words had been of her, his gentle flower.


"Daniv of Syr" was born in 721 to Kostas and Danladi. He was fostered out to Stronghold in 734 as Rohan's squire, just like his Uncle Tilal had been many years before during the war between Princemarch and the Desert. Little did he know that he too would fight a war as his Prince's squire. The "Vellant'im" invaded in 737, throwing the Continent into chaos. Daniv fought first at High Prince Rohan's side and then at Pol's after his Lord had died. News came later in the war: he was now the Prince of Syr. His father, Kostas, had been assassinated by the "Merida". Daniv fought hard to avenge his father and to defend his homeland and people, even though he was fighting far away in the Desert instead of Syr. Pol's forces eventually won the war. Daniv would return home and rebuild his Princedom.


"Aladra" was the only daughter of Kostas and Danladi. She was named after Danladi's mother, who had died birthing her. During the "Vellanti" war, she remained at her mother's side.


"Tilal, Lord of River Run, Prince of Ossetia" , was born in 692 to Davvi and Wisla of River Run and was fostered to Prince Rohan of the Desert, his uncle. Tilal was one of the first Lords to embrace Rohan's peace loving and law abiding ideals and later taught his own children to do the same. In 719 he married Princess Gemma, Heir to Ossetia, and became the Prince of Ossetia in 724. Gemma and Tilal had three children: Rihani, Sioneva, and Sorin.


Dragon Prince character| name = Princess Gemma of Syr

bgcolor = white
fgcolor = turquoise
race = human
birth = 694, High Kirat, Syr
colors =
rings =
dragon =
titles = Princess of Ossetia
princedom = Ossteia

"Gemma of Syr" was born in 694 to Haldor and Chalia, Prince and Princess of Syr. She was Jastri's little sister. A few years after her father died of plague, Jastri was taught 'military maneuverings' at the High Prince Roelstra's side. In actuality Roelstra was preparing to wage war against the Desert. Her brother died in the war; he was only sixteen. Prince Rohan of the Desert became the new High Prince, and he made Lord Davvi of River Run, her distant cousin, Prince of Syr. Davvi marched on High Kirat, Gemma's home, himself in order to ensure his new rule. Instead of tossing Gemma out, she became Davvi's ward. At first Gemma was wary of the new Lords of her home, but she soon learned that Davvi was a kind man.

While she was visiting Stronghold in 705, she met Danladi, one of the late High Prince Roelstra's many bastard daughters. Instead of blaming Danladi for her brother's death, Gemma befriended the quiet girl and took to defending her against the slander of others. Roelstra had not been well liked, and it seemed that that dislike was easily transferred. Gemma and Danladi quickly became the very best of friends. Davvi, the new Prince of Syr, took Danladi under his wing so the two girls wouldn't be separated. Together they studied the healing arts.

Though she had harbored tender feelings for him for years, Gemma finally admitted her love for Tilal at the "Rialla" of 719. He, however, seemed not to share her feelings or to think himself good enough for her, which was utterly ridiculous in Gemma's mind. To make matters more difficult Kostas, Tilal's brother, had decided that Gemma would be his wife. Then, of course, there was the fact that Danladi had developed a desire to be Kostas's wife, and that by an unfortunate series of deaths, Gemma's dowry now included the Princedom of Ossetia. Tensions and passions rose, finally breaking out when Kostas made advances on Gemma in the nearby woods. Gemma pushed him away, but he was persistent. That's when Tilal found them, the sight driving him into a rage. The two brothers fought, with open blades and then beating each other with fists. Gemma tried to get them to stop, but they wouldn't listen until Pol, High Prince Rohan's heir and their cousin, ordered them to halt. He then forced Tilal to grind out the reason for the fight and the truth of his emotions. Tilal loved her - not that he seemed happy about it. Pol then turned to her and asked if she wanted to make an accusations against Kostas, she said not. She was sure he wouldn't have actually harmed her; he was just overzealous... very overzealous. She mentioned that Danladi would be happy to wed Kostas, then looked toward Tilal. She glared at him and told him that she loved him too. They were married that very year.

Over the years they had three children together, Rihani, Sioneva, and Sorin, who was born shortly after Sorin of Radzyn Keep had been killed. When the "Vellant'im" invaded nearly ten years later, Gemma did all she could to aid her Prince and her people. She had to stand strong both for them and her husband, who had been badly shaken by the death of High Prince Rohan, his revered uncle. She lent him her strength; she'd always been strong, then he had to lend his, when news came of Rihani's death. Eventually the war ended, Pol's forces driving the "Vellant'im" from the Continent. Gemma and Tilal named Sorin heir to Ossetia, then made ready to return home and start to rebuild.


"Rihani of Ossetia" was born in 720 to Tilal of Gemma. He was heir to the Princedom of Ossetia. He was being fostered at High Kirat, when the "Vellant'im" attacked. Rihani fought as he was able, and was even knighted on the battlefield in 737, but he hated the fighting. He hated the sound, smell, sight, everything about it. He never wanted to see a battlefield again. He was like his father and High Prince Rohan in that regard. Rihani was born to be a Prince in a land of peace, to share in his father and great-uncle's dreams. He was a new breed of Prince, the kind his father and Rohan were be proud to have. Rihani did not want to be a coward, but he was afraid that he was one. He shook with his fear, but in the end, he did not run from battle. He stood and fought like a man possessed. He led the charge against the enemy and was victorious. He was also badly wounded. Rihani later died from his wounds, but he was hailed a hero. He was a hero.


"Sioneva" was born in 721 to Tilal and Gemma. She was named after her father's beloved Aunt Sioned, the High Princess and Princess of the Desert. She is also a "faradhi".

orin of Ossetia

"Sorin of Ossetia" was the youngest son of Tilal and Gemma. He was born in 728, shortly after the death of Sorin of Radzyn Keep, the new Lord of Feruche. The young Lord had been a friend of Sorin's parents and had been Tilal's cousin-by-marriage. His murder, by Marron's hand, had shocked and deeply hurt his - and thus Sorin's - entire family. When Gemma bore Sorin, she asked to name him in the fallen Lord's honor. Tobin, Sorin of Radzyn Keep's mother, gave her blessing.

During the "Vellanti" War Sorin's brother, Rihani, was killed. After the war had been won and the "Vellant'im" driven from the Continent, Sorin was named heir to Ossetia.

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