
Ner-a Car Logo.png
Manufacturer Ner-a-Car (United States)
Sheffield-Simplex (United Kingdom)
Also called Neracar
Production 1921–1927
Transmission 5-position friction drive CVT, 3-speed manual
Frame type Pressed steel perimeter frame
Suspension Front: Double leading arms with hub-center steering
Wheelbase 59 in (1,500 mm)
Turning radius 236 in (6,000 mm) turning circle

The Ner-a-Car was a type of feet forwards motorcycle designed by Carl Neracher in 1918. Around 6,500 Ner-a-Cars are believed to have been produced between 1921 and 1927 in England, and about 10,000 Neracars (note different spelling) in the US. They were manufactured in England by the Sheffield-Simplex company and the Ner-a-Car Corporation in the United States.



1924 Ner-A-Car motorcycle

The design had several unusual features, including an infinitely-variable friction drive transmission, and a low-slung perimeter frame chassis that was closer to those found on contemporary cars than other motorcycles. It also featured the first production example of hub-center steering on a motorcycle.[1]


The earliest models had 221 cc two-stroke engines. Starting in 1923 a 285 cc engined model was introduced in England. In the US a 255 cc model was introduced in 1924. In 1924 a Blackburne sidevalve 348 cc engine driving through a three-speed manual transmission was introduced in England. The final English model was introduced in 1925 which differed from the 1924 model by using overhead valves.

A five-speed Ner-A-Car was advertised as a "Christmas Special" for US$175 in November 1927.[1]

Around 50 Ner-a-Cars are known to survive in England in 2001.


  1. ^ "C. F. Solomonson". Oakland Tribune (Oakland, California). November 24, 1927. 

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