- Women in Cuba
Women in Cuba have equal constitutional rights as men in the economic, political, cultural and social fields, as well as in the family. According to article 44 of the Cuban Constitution, the state guarantees women the same opportunities and possibilities as men, in order to achieve woman’s full participation in the development of the country. Women currently hold 35% of the parliamentary seats in the
Cuban National Assembly ranking sixth of 162 countries behindRwanda ,Sweden ,Norway ,Finland andDenmark on issues of female participation in political life. [http://hdr.undp.org/statistics/data/country_fact_sheets/cty_fs_CUB.html]History
In the first half of the 20th Century, women in
Cuba had achieved a status comparable with that of otherLatin American countries, such asArgentina andChile . In 1933, during the 100-day government ofRamón Grau , Cuban women received the vote. In 1934 the percentages of Cuban women working outside the home, attending school, and practicing birth control surpassed the corresponding percentages in nearly every other Latin American country.Women in Cuba had been elected to Cuba's House of Representatives and Senate, serving as mayors, judges, cabinet members, municipal counselors, and members of the Cuban foreign service. The return of Grau to government, under the auspices of PresidentFulgencio Batista provided for the Cuban Constitution of 1940, one of the most progressive in theWestern Hemisphere with regard to women's status, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex and calling for equal pay for equal work.After the
Cuban revolution of 1959, theFederation of Cuban Women (FMC) was established as anNGO . The FMC was recognised by the Cuban government as "the national mechanism for the advancement of women in Cuba". The organization claims to have more than 3 million members, which constitutes 85.2% of all women over age 14. There is also a Women’s Training Centre and a Women’s Publishing House at national level. The group generally adheres to the Cuban government's objectives "to defend the Cuban Revolution". According to Cuban government statistics, women represent 49.5% of all graduates at higher educational levels and 62% of university students. Women constitute 35% of Parliamentary members, 61% of attorneys, 49% of judges, and 47% Judges in the Supreme Court.Abortion in Cuba is free on demand, and optional maternity leave is one year on full pay.The role of women in Cuba is ever changing. Since the "Special Period in the Times of Peace" in the 1990s, women have stepped to the forefront of life in Cuba, calling for a step towards an existence without sexism. Sexism in Cuba goes hand in hand with the racism experienced by Afro-Cubans. [http://ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=38873. Acosta, Dalia. Cuba: Black Women Rap Against Discrimination: Feb 2008. ] . Though according to a 2002 study, blacks make up 34.9% of the Cuban population, they are the poorest group of people with the least amount of political representation. Black women, especially, receive the lowest paying jobs, have the highest rates of unemployment, the lowest education levels and often live with the threat of gender violence.
Hip-hop , more specificallyrap , has become the vehicle for Cuban women to express their dissatisfaction with race and gender status in Cuba. The lyrics of all female Cuban rap groups Las Krudas [http://www.myspace.com/3krudas] andObsesion ask for respect for diversity on the music scene and sympathy for women who have turned to prostitution for economic rescue. During the "Special Period ", women came to the forefront in managing different economic and domestic situations and in doing so, assumed more responsibility and new authority. The popular dance style "perreo " can be seen as a symbol of this change, with women in front of men during the dance. [ Fairley, Jan. 2008. "How To Make Love With Your Clothes On: Dancing Reggaeton, Gender and Sexuality in Cuba." In Reading Reggaeton (forthcoming, Duke University Press).] .Promotion of female hip-hop artists is currently not on the same level as their male counterparts however, through the support of theCuban Rap Agency and specificallyMagia Lopez , the head of the agency, this may change. Lopez is currently working to increase the participation of women in the Cuban Hip-hop scene. [ [http://cubadata.blogspot.com/2007/08/black-women-rap-against-discrimination.html Cuba Verdad: Black Women Rap Against Discrimination ] ]Constitutional Changes
Cuba has implemented a number of constitutional changes and laws aimed to guarantee rights specifically for women these include:
*Maternity Leave (1974)
*The Family Code (1975) established the official goal of equal participation in the home,
*Law for the Protection and Hygiene in the Workplace (1977)
*Law on Social Security (1979)
*Code on Childhood and Youth (1984)
*Labour Code (1985)
*National Action Plan for the Implementation of the 1V UN Conference on Women (1977)
*Law #62 on the Penal Code (1987) - Article 295 recognises discrimination based on any reason and the violation of the right of equality as a crime.ee also
Human rights in Cuba
*Demographics of Cuba
*Education in Cuba
*Healthcare of Cuba
*Constitution of Cuba References
* [http://www.historyofcuba.com/history/women1.htm Women in Pre-Revolutionary Cuba]
* [http://www.cuba-solidarity.org/cubasi_article.asp?ArticleID=30 Charting women’s progress in Cuba since 1959]External links
* [http://www.udel.edu/DRC/Aguirre/publications/ag02.pdf Women in the Cuban bureaucracies 1968-74]
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