K-200 KAFV

K-200 KAFV

Infobox Weapon
name=K200 KIFV/KAFV

type=Infantry fighting vehicle /Armoured fighting vehicle
service= 1984
used_by= ROKA
designer=ADD, Doosan Infracore
manufacturer=Doosan Infracore
height=2.518m(to top of KIFV gunner's shield)
weight=13.2 ton(KIFV), 13.9 ton(KAFV)
suspension=torsion bar, 5 road wheels
speed=70km/h (7km/h in water)
primary_armament=M2 Browning machine gun or K6 Heavy Machine Gun
secondary_armament=M60D Machine Gun
armour=aluminium (Standard Spaced laminate armor)
engine=D2848 Engine (K200A1 as D2848T)
crew=3 + 9 passengers
engine_power=280hp (K200A1 as 350hp)
transmission=T-300 (K200A1 as X-200K)
pw_ratio=21.21 (K200A1 as 26.5)

The K-200 KIFV/KAFV (Korean Infantry Fighting Vehicle / Korean Armoured Fighting Vehicle) is a South Korean infantry fighting vehicle/armoured fighting vehicle, produced by Daewoo Heavy Industries and designed as a more powerful armoured personnel carrier.

In 1981 the ROKA issued a request for proposals for a new Korean Infantry Fighting Vehicle (KIFV). Agency for Defense Development had designed and developed it and Daewoo Heavy Industries, Co. (DHI) was a prime contractor for the production of this vehicle. The Korean Infantry Fighting Vehicle K-200 is an amphibious personnel carrier manufactured by DaeWoo Industries and based on the American AIFV. In the field of armoured tracked vehicle business, Land Systems of DHI succeeded to be a prime contractor for Korean Infantry Fighting Vehicle development program in the early 1980s, a pioneer of Korean defense industries. The KIFV, named as K200, entered production in 1985. In 1994 the first PIP program was completed in the areas of mobility. It includes the upgrade of engine power and replacement with a new fully automatic transmission. Thousands of vehicles have been delivered to the ROKA.

At the end of 1993, the basic vehicles and armored ambulances which were redesigned from K200 were exported to the Malaysian Army.

Based on the experience and the know-how from the production of massive amount of K200 Korean Infantry Fighting Vehicle, Daewoo Heavy Industries Ltd. has developed and producing K200A1 the upgraded KIFV for ROKA. The K200A1 which combined with high protection, high mobility and well equipped crew compartment can meet toughest technical and tactical requirements from the worldwide countries. K200 Korean Infantry Fighting Vehicies has been revealed and proven its superiority by the deployment of UN Peace Keeping Operations in Bosnia(UNMIBH).

The KAFV, with its increased firing power and survivability, can be widely operated as an organizational equipment in the mechanized infantry and cavalry units. The KAFV 40/50 was developed indigenously by DHI and it has a 40 mm grenade and a .50 caliber machine gun which is currently operated by the ROKA.

This vehicle can transport a squad troop to the target area and it also has an all-terrain capability to fire during maneuvering and at night time. With a total combat weight of 13.9 tons including turret system, KAFV can be operated at a maximum speed of 70 kilometers per hour. Its turret is operated by a gunner, and the target is observed by visible sight.

In addition, DHI has developed other kinds of KAFVs mounted 25 mm, 30 mm and 90 mm turret system through technical cooperation with the most advanced turret suppliers such as Mauser of Germany, Lockheed Martin and Cadilac Gage Textron of USA. These KAFV successfully completed their test &evaluation trials in overseas countries as well as in Korea in the year 1995, and currently draws much attention from several countries.


KAFV Family variants

KAFV90, 90 mm TURRET VEHICLEThe 90mm turret vehicle was designed to provide more formidable fire against tank for protecting mechanized troop. To operate its mission efficiently in modern warfare, it can be transported by air, C-130.

KAFV40/50, 40 mm GRENADE TURRET VEHICLEThe KAFV 40/50 was developed indigenously by Daewoo, and it has a 40 mm grenade launcher and a caliber .50 machine gun to enhance fire power to the basic vehicle. With a total combat weight of 13.9 tons including turret system, it runs at high speed of min. 70 km/h.

KAFV30A, 30 mm TURRET VEHICLE (Boeing M230 Turret)The KAFV 30A is equipped with a 30 mm Chain gun(30mm x 113) that can fire 200 rounds per minute and a 7.62 mm machine gun as secondary armament. With its compact structure, it is operated by one person, and is able to be fired on the move and at night time.

KAFV30M, 30 mm TURRET VEHICLE (Mauser MK-30 Turret)The KAFV 30M is equipped with a 30 mm Chain gun(30mm x 173) that can fire 800 founds per minute and a 7.62 mm MG3A1 machine gun as secondary armament. The ballistic power can penetrates 50 mm thick RHA steel at 2 km distance, The night vision sight for operation can be serviceable as an option.

KAFV25, 25 mm TURRET VEHICLE (Oerlikon Contraves 25mm KBA automatic cannon Turret)The KAFV 25 is an all-weather armoured fighting vehicle to provide formidable fire against light tank and enemy's bunker. It is equipped with a stabilization system being able to fire on the move. (ROKA had not order this model)

KIFV Family variants

K216, NBC RECONNAISSANCE VEHICLEThe Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Reconnaissance Vehicle, NBCRV is equipped with MM-1 (Mobile Mass spectrometer), VWOS (Vehicle Weather Observing System), KM-43A1 NBC Alarm system, AN/VDR-2 Radiac Set,4 Crews.

K242A1, 107 mm MORTAR CARRIERThe 107mm Mortar Carrier.

K263A1, 20 mm AA GUN CARRIER (Vulcan Air Defense System)The 20mm AA Gun Carrier provides effective suppression against not only aircraft at low altitude but also ground targets. Firing 3,000 rounds per minute, it can deliver direct effective fire against ground targets within 2 km and air target within 1.2 km.

K277A1, MOBILE COMMAND POSTThe Command & Control Vehicle.

K281A1, 81 mm MORTAR CARRIERThe 81mm Mortar Carrier.

K288A1, ARMORED RECOVERY VEHICLEThe Armored Recovery Vehicle.

AMBULANCE VEHICLEThe Ambulance is equipped with four litter sets, two automatic oxygen resuscitators and two splinter sets.

ee also

*List of military equipment of Republic of Korea
*Republic of Korea Army

External links

* [http://imagesearch.naver.com/search.naver?where=idetail&query=KAFV&from=image&ac=-1&sort=0&res_fr=0&res_to=0&merge=0&start=1&a=pho_l&f=tab&r=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fimagebingo.naver.com%2Falbum%2Fimage_view.htm%3Fuid%3Djklee8197%26bno%3D29133%26nid%3D6392 Artist Impression KAFV]
* [http://www.primeportal.net/apc/k200_apc.htm K200 APC Photos and Walk Arounds on Prime Portal]

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