Zenobius of Florence

Zenobius of Florence

Infobox Saint
name= Saint Zenobius
birth_date=337 AD
death_date=417 AD
feast_day= May 25
venerated_in= Roman Catholic Church

imagesize= 300px
caption= Domenico Veneziano, "St Zenobius Performs a Miracle", 1445.
birth_place= Florence
attributes= Usually shown in episcopal garb; often shown bringing a dead man or child back to life; flowering tree
major_shrine= Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence

Saint Zenobius ( _it. San Zanobi, Zenobio) (337 – 417) is venerated as the first bishop of Florence. His feast day is celebrated on May 25.


Born of a Florentine noble family, he was educated by his pagan parents. He came early under the influence of the holy bishop Theodore, was baptized by him, and succeeded, after much opposition, in bringing his father and mother to the Christianity. He embraced the clerical state, and rapidly rose to the position of archdeacon, when his virtues and notable powers as a preacher made him known to Saint Ambrose, at whose instance Pope Damasus I (366-86) called him to Rome, and employed him in various important missions, including a legation to Constantinople. On the death of Damasus he returned to his native city, where he resumed his apostolic labours, and on the death of the bishop of that see, Zenobius, to the great joy of the people, was appointed to succeed him. His deacons are venerated as St. Eugene and St. Crescentius. [ [http://www.cambridge.org/us/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521817048&ss=exc Cathedral and Civic Ritual in Late Medieval and Renaissance Florence - Cambridge University Press ] ] He evangelized Florence and its outskirts completely and combated Arianism.

According to his biographer and successor in the See of Florence, Antonius, he died in his ninetieth year, in 424; but, as Antonius says that Pope Innocent I (d. 417) was at the time pope, the date is uncertain.

There is ground for believing that he actually died in 417, on 25 May, on which day the ancient tower where he is supposed to have lived, near the Ponte Vecchio, was annually decorated with flowers.

His body was first buried in the Basilica di San Lorenzo di Firenze (consecrated by St. Ambrose in 393), and was later translated to the church of Santa Maria del Fiore.

In the back of the middle of the three apses is the altar of Saint Zenobius. Its silver shrine, designed around 1440, a masterpiece of Ghiberti, contains the urn with his relics. The central compartment shows us one his miracles, the reviving of a dead child. Above this shrine is the painting "Last Supper" by Giovanni Balducci. There was also a glass-paste mosaic panel "The Bust of Saint Zanobius" by the 16th century miniaturist Monte di Giovanni, but it is now on display in the Museum Opera del Duomo.


Extraordinary miracles, including several instances of the restoration of the dead to life, are attributed to him. Zenobius is said to have resurrected several dead people. It is also said that after his death, a dead elm burst into life after his body touched it while being born to the cathedral for burial.

A legend states that a child was once run over by a cart while playing. His mother, a widow, wailed as she brought the dead child to Zenobius' deacon. By means of a prayer, St. Zenobius revived the child and restored him to his mother.

In art

Zenobius is often depicted with a dead child or man in his arms, or a flowering elm, both in reference to his miracles.

Sandro Botticelli depicted the life and work of St. Zenobius on four paintings. In the first scene, St Zenobius is shown twice: he rejects the bride that his parents intended him to take in marriage and walks thoughtfully away. The other episodes show the baptism of the young Zenobius and his mother, and on the right his ordination as bishop.

On the wall of the Palazzo Vecchio are frescoes by Domenico Ghirlandaio, painted in 1482. The apotheosis of St. Zenobius was painted with a perspectival illusion of the background.



*George Ferguson, "Signs and Symbols in Christian Art" (New York: Oxford University Press, 1961), 147.

External links

* [http://www.saintpatrickdc.org/ss/0525.htm Saints of May 25: Zenobius of Florence]
*it icon [http://www.santiebeati.it/dettaglio/91448 Santi e beati: San Zanobi]

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