- Kapten
imageFinland = Kapteeni_kauluslaatta.svg
junior =Löjtnant (Sweden)
junior2 =Yliluutnantti
senior = Major
senior2 =Majuri
usmc =Master Sergeant or when disregarding the lack of a University degree of a Swedish Kapten evenSecond Lieutenant orFirst Lieutenant
official =Captain
comparison =
text = Kapten(Kapteeni in Finnish) (From Latin word capitaneus meaning head man or chief) is a professionalmilitary rank in Sweden and Finland, immediately aboveLöjtnant in Sweden andYliluutnantti inFinland and just below Major in the Army ranks. In the Navy, the rank is immediately aboveLöjtnant and just belowÖrlogskapten . A Swedish Kapten may be responsible for the training of a platoon, but in most cases takes up duties common to seniorNCO equivalents of the USA/USMC.Obtaining the rank in Sweden
One year as
Löjtnant and 40 weeks of tactical training.History and related ranks
The basic military unit during the Middle Ages was the company raised by a vassal lord on behalf of his lord usually the King. The lord was comissioned by the king as Kapten to lead the unit. As the number of companies grew, one captain was granted overall (general) authority and named captain general, which was shortened to general.
Until 1750, a rank above
Löjtnant and belowKapten to command the life guard company on behalf of its formal commadner - aÖverste .Stabskapten
The rank Kaptenlöjtnant changed to Stabskapten (Staff Captain) in 1750.
Now obsolete rank in the cavalry that corresponded to Kapten.
Reform 1972
Kapten with more than 11 years of service were elevated to Major
Holders of the following ranks were elevated to Kapten
*Fanjunkare (with a minimum of 7 years servcie)
* Sergeant (with a minimum of 7 years servcie)See also
Finnish military ranks
*Military ranks of the Swedish armed forces
*Swedish Armed Forces
* [http://www.mil.se/article.php?id=1239 Officer Training]http://www.goarmy.com/about/ranks_and_insignia.jsp USA enlisted ranks ] http://www.goarmy.com/about/ranks_insignia_officer.jsp USA comissioned officers ranks]
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