Trachemys gaigeae

Trachemys gaigeae

name = Big Bend Slider
status = VU | status_system = IUCN2.3
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Reptilia
subclassis = Anapsida
ordo = Testudines
subordo = Cryptodira
superfamilia = Testudinoidea
familia = Emydidae
genus = "Trachemys"
species = "T. gaigeae"
binomial = " Trachemys gaigeae"
binomial_authority = Hartweg, 1939
synonyms = "Pseudemys scripta gaigae"
Hartweg, 1939
"Chrysemys scripta gaigeae"
Fritz, 1981
"Trachemys scripta gaigae"
Stebbins, 1985
"Pseudemys gaigeae"
Seidel, Painter & Sterns, 1999

The Big Bend Slider ("Trachemys gaigeae") is a species of aquatic turtle native to the United States in the states of New Mexico and Texas, and northern Mexico in the state of Chihuahua. It is found primarily in the Rio Grande and Rio Conchos river systems. The epithet "gaigeae" is in honor of the American herpetologist, Helen Beulah Thompson Gaige, who collected the first specimen in the Big Bend region of Texas in 1928. [] The species was first described by professor of zoology at the University of Michigan, Dr. Norman Edouard Hartweg in 1939. It was for a time considered to be a species of Cooter, genus "Pseudemys", and then a subspecies of the Pond Slider, "Trachemys scripta", but it was granted full species status, though many sources still refer to it by its various synonyms.


Primarily aquatic, they are often seen basking on rocks or logs in the water, and when approached quickly dive to the bottom. They only time they spend a large amount of time on land is when the females emerge to lay their eggs. They are an omnivorous species, with younger animals being more carnivorous, and progressively becoming more herbivorous as they age, with older adults being nearly entirely herbivorous.


*"Trachemys gaigeae gaigeae" (Hartweg, 1939)
*"Trachemys gaigeae hartwegi" (Legler, 1990)


*EMBL species|genus=Trachemys|species=gaigeae

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