

The SS-Dienstalterslisten (in German: "Dienstaltersliste der Schutzstaffel der NSDAP"; English: "SS Officiers list") was an official listing of all SS officers of the middle and higher officer corps. They appeared in book form.


On 1 October 1934 the SS-Personalamt published the first SS Officiers list, which contained a listing of all officers from the Untersturmführer to the Reichsführer-SS.

Apart from the dates of birth the lists also contained all honors and medals which the SS member had received in the First World War. Furthermore all honors of the NSDAP and all German sport honors were noted in the SS Officiers list. The NSDAP and SS number of the officer was also noted. Any membership in the Lebensborn and all SS honors were noted. The SS Officiers lists served internally as the proof of the transports of the Officier corps of the SS (SS-Offizierskorps) with all respective transport data.

These SS Officiers lists were meant for the addition of the "SS-Stammrollen" and were not for the public distribution.

The first four editions (1934, 1935, 1936 and 1937) also listed all members accepted to the SS as "SS-Ehrenführer" or honorary titles in the SS (Rudolf Hess, Walter Buch and others). These were usually registered with no SS number. Rather they were assigned to as an "SS-Standarte", a "Oberabschnitt" or a "Stammabteilung".

Starting in 1936 all police officers were specified in the SS-Dienstalterslisten. From 1 December 1938 these honorary SS members were provided by the "Stab Reichsführer-SS" with an SS membership number.

The SS Officiers lists were published until 1945 and beginning in 1942 were arranged by: Name, first name, date of birth, SS number and function.

On 1 July 1944 the "Dienstaltersliste der Waffen-SS" aka "Officiers list of the Waffen-SS" appeared. In this list, only the officers of the Waffen-SS were registered. This list was not printed for the public either. The copy for the "SS-Personalhauptamt" was the only one made.

In January 1945 the last SS Officiers list appeared. This SS Officiers list was used in 1946 for the condemnation of SS members.

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