

Taxobox | name = Wall spiders

image_width =
image_captionn =
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Arachnida
ordo = Araneae
subordo = Araneomorphae
superfamilia = Palpimanoidea
familia = Huttoniidae
familia_authority = Simon, 1893
diversity_link = List of Huttoniidae species
diversity = 1 described species
genus = "Huttonia"
genus_authority = O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879
species = "H. palpimanoides"
binomial = "Huttonia palpimanoides"
binomial_authority = O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879

range_map_width = 250px

"Huttonia palpimanoides" is a spider in its own family, Huttonidae.

The species is endemic to New Zealand. Fossils of this class have been found from Cretaceous (Campanian) amber from Alberta and Manitoba, Canada, extending the known geological age of the Huttoniidae back about 80 million years, and supporting the theory of "H. palpimanoides" being an ousted relic species (Penney & Selden, 2006). They are probably closely related to the fossil spider family Spatiatoridae.

The family was divided from the Zodariidae family in 1984, by Forster & Platnick.

Although only one species is described, there are about 20 more undescribed species, all from New Zealand (Forster & Forster, 1999).

The silk of this species is ecribellate (Griswold "et al." 1999).


* Forster, R.R. & Platnick, N.I. (1984). A review of the archaeid spiders and their relatives, with notes on the limits of the superfamily Palpimanoidea (Arachnida, Araneae). "Bull. Am. Mus. nat. Hist." 178: 1-106.
* Forster, R.R. & Forster, L.M. (1999). Spiders of New Zealand and their Worldwide Kin. "University of Otago Pross, Dunedin".
* Griswold, C.E., Coddington, J.A., Platnick, N.I. and Forster, R.R. (1999). Towards a Phylogeny of Entelegyne Spiders (Araneae, Araneomorphae, Entelegynae). "Journal of Arachnology" 27:53-63. [ PDF]
* Penney, D. & Selden, P.A. (2006). First fossil Huttoniidae (Araneae), in Late Cretaceous Canadian Cedar and Grassy Lake ambers. "Cretaceous Research" 27:442–446. [ PDF]

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