- Chung-guyŏk
The Chung-guyŏk is the Central District of
Pyongyang , the capital ofNorth Korea . It is the center of North Korea's economy.The
Pyongyang Metro runs through this district. The Grand People's Study House, which is thenational library of North Korea, is located here. [ [http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/DEPOLIB/0,,contentMDK:64018714~menuPK:50015251~nHighlightIndex:4~pagePK:64032996~piPK:50014957~theSitePK:285317,00.html The Grand People's Study House of the DPR of Korea] . "UN System Depository Libraries". Retrieved on August 31, 2008.] Other buildings that are located here include theKoryo Hotel , Tae-dong River Hotel, Pyongyang First Department, North Korea stamp museum, Pyongyang child student palace and Taedongmoon movie house.Executive offices of the North Korean government and its industry are located here. This is also the headquarters locale of the Central Committee of the
Workers' Party of Korea .References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.