VSC may refer to:

* Vertical service code, a special telephone number that usually begins with the * (star) key
* Valley Stream Central High School in Valley Stream, NY.
* Debreceni VSC, a Hungarian football club
* Volunteer Special Constabulary, a component of the Singapore Police Force
* Vermont State Colleges, a consortium of public colleges in the U.S. state of Vermont and its governance body
* Vermont Studio Center, a fine arts and writing residency program located at Johnson in the U.S. state of Vermont
* Vehicle Stability Control, a type of Electronic Stability Control
* Vietnam Solidarity Campaign, a Vietnam War-era activist group
* Vessel Safety Checks of recreational boaters
* Versatile Surface Combatant, a successor to the British Royal Navy's Future Surface Combatant program
* the Volunteer Service Corp at Wake Forest University
* Volatile sulfur compounds, in organic chemistry
* Variable structure control, in control theory. Sliding mode control is a type of variable structure control.
* Video Spectral Comparator, a tool used in Questioned document examination
* Vertebral subluxation complex, a chiropractic term
* ".vsc", a file extension used by the Versus programming language and the Viscosity image and animation editing utility
* "VSC", an abbreviation for rulings of the Supreme Court of Victoria, Australia
* "VSC", the ICAO airline designator for the Colombian airline operator AVESCA Aerovias Especiales de Carga
* Volume Shadow Copy Service, a mechanism of the NTFS file system
* Vision Skill Consulting Limited, a Hong Kong business consultancy
* The Video Standards Council of the United Kingdom responsible for promoting standards in the video industry
* Virtualization Service Client

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