Infobox Radio Station

name = KASE-FM
airdate = March 30, 1969
frequency = 100.7 MHz HD Radio
100.7 HD-2 for All New Country
city = Austin, Texas
area = Austin-Round Rock metropolitan area
format = Country
owner = Clear Channel
licensee = Capstar TX, LP
power = 100,000 watts
branding = KASE 101
slogan = "Today's Country Music and Your All Time Favorites"
class = C
webcast = [http://www.kase101.com/pages/listenlive.html Listen Live]
website = [http://www.kase101.com/ www.kase101.com]
callsign_meaning = pronounced Case
sister_stations = KFMK, KHFI, KPEZ, KVET (AM), KVET-FM

KASE-FM ("KASE 101") is an Austin, Texas radio station operating a Country format. It is licensed to Austin, Texas with an ERP of 100,000 Watts at 100.7 MHz from a transmitter site near West Lake Hills, TX, and is owned by Clear Channel Radio.

All New Country music can be heard on 100.7 HD-2 (HD Radio needed).


KASE-FM (100.7 MHz) debuted on March 30, 1969 then playing an automated "beautiful music" format.

In the early 1980s, operators of KASE-FM took a risk and changed KASE to the "Continuous Country" format which instantly became a hit with Austin listeners and since then has consistently been voted by radio general managers as one ofthe top twenty "Most Admired Stations" in America. It was the first station to win the coveted "Station of the Year" award from the Country Music Association four times and was given its second Billboard Magazine "Station of the Year" award in 1997. [http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/story/12-22-97/383948&EDATE=]

Over the years KASE has dominated the Austin radio market along with sister station KVET-FM. According to Arbitron ratings, both stations consistently rank in the top three, sometimes #1 and #2.


* Bama, Rob, & Heather
** Bama Brown
** Rob Mason
** Heather White
** Producer: Matt Kaspar
*** "The group also produces a music intensive morning show on XM11 Nashville!"
** News: Katherine Kisiel - Fox 7 Austin
** Traffic: Don Miller
** Weather: Troy Kimmel
* Bob Pickett
* Gerry Harmon
** Traffic: Anne Hudson

* Weekends
** Matt Kaspar
** Don Miller
** John Zenor

* Image Voice: Jack Ingram (Country Artist)


* Tom Allen (Moved to sister station KVET-FM)
* Erin Austin
* Deena Blake
* Mike Carta
* Bob Cole (Moved to sister station KVET-FM)
* Gary Dixon
* Keith Jacobs
* Julie K
* Rodney Lay, Jr.
* Rachel Marisay
* Anna McCann
* Michelle Roebuck (Now with sister station KVET-FM)
* Scarlett
* Mark Williams

tation Management

*Program Director - Mac Daniels
*Music Director - Bob Pickett
*Programming Coordinator - Julie K

tudio Location

3601 S. Congress Ave.Austin, TX 78704

The Clear Channel Radio Austin studios are in an industrial, yet trendy business complex in "SoCo" south central Austin within walking distance of St. Edwards University. The complex, Penn Field, was Austin's first military air base. The Clear Channel Radio studios are located in the former hangar building.

KASE-FM shares a building with sister stations KFMK, KHFI, KPEZ, KVET-AM, and KVET-FM.

External links


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