Transverse humeral ligament

Transverse humeral ligament

Infobox Ligament
Name = Transverse humeral ligament
Latin =
GraySubject = 83
GrayPage = 319

Caption = Capsule of shoulder-joint (distended). Anterior aspect. (Transverse humeral ligament labeled at center left.)

Caption2 =
From = greater tubercle
To = lesser tubercle
System =
Precursor =
MeshName =
MeshNumber =
DorlandsPre = l_09
DorlandsSuf = 12491258
The transverse humeral ligament is a broad band passing from the lesser to the greater tubercle of the humerus, and always limited to that portion of the bone which lies above the epiphysial line.

It converts the intertubercular groove into a canal, and is the homologue of the strong process of bone which connects the summits of the two tubercles in the musk ox.

Eponym: Gordon Brodie's ligament.cite web |url='s+ligament |title=Definition: transverse humeral ligament from Online Medical Dictionary |accessdate=2008-01-13 |format= |work=]


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