Raul Brandão

Raul Brandão

Raul Germano Brandão (Foz do Douro, March 12 1867 – Lisbon, December 5 1930) was a Portuguese writer, journalist and military officer, notable for the realism of his literary descriptions and by the lyricism of his speech. Brandão was born in Foz do Douro, a parish of Porto, where he spent the majority of his youth. Born in a family of sailors, the ocean and the sailors were a recurrent theme in his work.


Brandão finished his secondary studies in 1891. After that, the joined the military academy, where he initiated a long career in the Ministry of War. While working in the ministry, he also worked as a journalist and published several books.

In 1896, Brandão was commissioned in Guimarães, where he would know his future wife. He married in the next year and settled in the city. Despite living in Guimarães, Brandão spent long periods in Lisbon. After retiring from the army, in 1912, Brandão initiated the most productive period of his writing career. He died in December 5 1930, age 63, after publishing a profuse journalistic and literary work.

Published works

*1890 - "Impressões e Paisagens"
*1896 - "História de um Palhaço"
*1901 - "O Padre"
*1903 - "A Farsa"
*1906 - "Os Pobres"
*1912 - "El-Rei Junot"
*1914 - "A Conspiração de 1817"
*1917 - "Húmus" (1917)
*1919 - "Memórias" (vol. I)
*1923 - "Teatro"
*1923 - "Os Pescadores"
*1925 - "Memórias" (vol. II)
*1926 - "As Ilhas Desconhecidas"
*1926 - "A Morte do Palhaço e o Mistério das Árvores"
*1927 - "Jesus Cristo em Lisboa", with Teixeira de Pascoaes
*1929 - "O Avejão"
*1930 - "Portugal Pequenino", with Maria Angelina Brandão
*1931 - "O Pobre de Pedir"
*1933 - "Vale de Josafat"

See also

* Portuguese Wikipedia Article


* [http://education.yahoo.com/reference/encyclopedia/entry/BrandaoRa Yahoo.com Encyclopedia]

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