Hayman drum — Hayman drums were introduced in the late 60s, they were made by an English manufacturer. The idea was to come up with a drum series to compete with the success of the large American companies of the time.The shells were thin walled with rings,… … Wikipedia
Hayman — ist der Name von: Personen: Carl Hayman (* 1979), neuseeländischer Rugby Union Spieler Mathew Hayman (* 1978), australischer Radrennfahrer Percy Hayman Meldrum (1887 1968), australischer Architekt Peter Hayman (* 1930), britischer Ornithologe und … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hayman Island Resort (Whitsundays) — Hayman Island Resort country: Australia, city: Whitsundays (Hayman Island) Hayman Island Resort The award winning Hayman Island Resort in Australia s magnificent Great Barrier Reef, one of the world s most acclaimed resort destinations, presents… … International hotels
Hayman's Dwarf Epauletted Fruit Bat — Conservation status Data Deficient (IUCN 3.1) Scientific classification … Wikipedia
Hayman Island — is the most northerly of the Cumberland Islands, which are located off the coast Queensland, Australia at coord|20|03|S|148|53|E|. Hayman Island is most famous for it s resort which was built by millionaire Reg Ansett, who also founded Ansett… … Wikipedia
Hayman — [ heɪmən], Francis, englischer Maler und Grafiker, * Exeter 1708, ✝ London 2. 2. 1776; ausgebildet als Dekorationsmaler, schuf er gegen Ende der 1720er Jahre Bühnenausstattungen für das Drury Lane Theatre. Zwischen 1740 und 1742 führte er mit… … Universal-Lexikon
Hayman Rooke — (1723 1806) after a modest military career, in which he achieved the rank of major, retired to Mansfield Woodhouse in Nottinghamshire and turned himself into an antiquary. He is particularly associated with Roman finds around Mansfield Woodhouse … Wikipedia
Hayman Island — Vorlage:Infobox Insel/Wartung/Höhe fehlt Hayman Island Strand auf Hayman Island Gewässer … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hayman Fire — The Hayman Fire was a forest fire that started southwest of Denver, Colorado on June 8, 2002.The largest fire in Colorado s history, hundreds of forestry officials and firefighters risked their lives to fight the fast moving inferno, which caused … Wikipedia
Hayman Center — The Hayman Center is the indoor athletic arena on La Salle University s campus. It is located directly across a walkway from the St. Francis and St. Edwards residence complex.The building was opened in February 1998 from a very large donation… … Wikipedia
Hayman, Al — (1851? 1917) Known in theatre history as one of the six men who created the Theatrical Syndicate, Hayman may be considered its actual founder, according to M. B. Leavitt (1912, 267), who had pioneered the circuit concept in the west while Hay… … The Historical Dictionary of the American Theater