Procurator — may refer to:In Historical uses * Promagistrate, an appointed position in the Roman Republic by the Senate, acting in place of a curator * Roman Procurators of Judaea Province, 44 132 AD * Procurator (Teutonic Knights), a function in the Monastic … Wikipedia
procurator — I noun administrator, adviser, agent, appointee, assistant, broker, business representative, caretaker, conductor, curator, delegate, deputy, director, emissary, envoy, executor, factor, go between, intendant, intermediary, intermediate,… … Law dictionary
legal profession — Introduction vocation that is based on expertise in the law and in its applications. Although there are other ways of defining the profession, this simple definition may be best, despite the fact that in some countries there are several… … Universalium
Procurator Fiscal — A procurator fiscal is the public prosecutor in Scotland, also carrying out functions broadly equivalent to the coroner in other legal systems.For the majority of crimes in Scotland the procurators fiscal present cases for the prosecution in the… … Wikipedia
procurator — pro|cu|ra|tor [ˈprɔkjureıtə US ˈpra:kjureıtər] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Latin; Origin: procurare; PROCURE] 1.) an official with legal powers, especially in the former Soviet Union, the Roman Catholic Church or the ancient Roman Empire ▪ the… … Dictionary of contemporary English
legal counselor — Synonyms and related words: advocate, agent, amicus curiae, attorney, attorney at law, barrister, barrister at law, counsel, counselor, counselor at law, deputy, friend at court, intercessor, lawyer, legal adviser, legal expert, legal… … Moby Thesaurus
procurator — Synonyms and related words: MC, advocate, agent, alter ego, alternate, amicus curiae, attorney, attorney at law, backup, backup man, bailiff, barrister, barrister at law, butler, champion, counsel, counselor, counselor at law, croupier, curator,… … Moby Thesaurus
Procurator to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland — The Procurator to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland is the principal legal advisor to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Former procurators included Lord Penrose and Lord Hodge … Wikipedia
procurator — [[t]prɒ̱kjʊreɪtə(r)[/t]] procurators N COUNT A procurator is an administrative official with legal powers, especially in the former Soviet Union, the Roman Catholic Church, or the ancient Roman Empire … English dictionary
procurator fiscal — procurators fiscal N COUNT: usu the N In the Scottish legal system, the procurator fiscal is a public official who puts people on trial … English dictionary