

Procurator may refer to:

In Historical uses
* Promagistrate, an appointed position in the Roman Republic by the Senate, acting in place of a curator
* Roman Procurators of Judaea Province, 44-132 AD
* Procurator (Teutonic Knights), a function in the Monastic State of the Teutonic Knights

In the United Kingdom
* Procurator fiscal, the local public prosecutor in Scotland
* Procurator to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, chief counsel to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland
* Procurator General , formal title of the Treasury Solicitor of the UK government

In Communist states
* Public Procurator, a position in current and former communist states, analogous to both detective and public prosecutor
* Procurator (Russia), an office of the Russian Empire

In other uses
* Legal procurator, one of the legal professions in Malta
* "Procurator" (novel), an alternate history novel by Kirk Mitchell

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  • Procurator — • A person who manages the affairs of another by virtue of a charge received from him. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Procurator     Procurator      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • procurator — PROCURATÓR, procuratori, s.m. 1. Magistrat roman, ales de obicei dintre liberţi, însărcinat cu strângerea dărilor şi cu conducerea provinciilor imperiale. 2. Înalt demnitar în republicile Veneţiei şi Genovei, în evul mediu. 3. Persoană care… …   Dicționar Român

  • PROCURATOR — PROCURATOR, title of the governors (first over Judea, later over most of Palestine) appointed by Rome during the years 6–41 and 44–66 C.E. From a recently discovered inscription in which pontius pilate is mentioned, it appears that the title of… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Procurator — Proc u*ra tor, n. [L.: cf. F. procurateur. See {Procure}, and cf. {Proctor}. ] [1913 Webster] 1. (Law) One who manages another s affairs, either generally or in a special matter; an agent; a proctor. Chaucer. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. (Rom. Antiq.) …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • procurator — I noun administrator, adviser, agent, appointee, assistant, broker, business representative, caretaker, conductor, curator, delegate, deputy, director, emissary, envoy, executor, factor, go between, intendant, intermediary, intermediate,… …   Law dictionary

  • procurator — ► NOUN Law 1) an agent representing others in a court in countries retaining Roman civil law. 2) (in Scotland) a lawyer practising before the lower courts. ORIGIN Latin procurator administrator, finance agent …   English terms dictionary

  • procurator — [präk′yo͞o rāt΄ər, präk′yərät΄ər] n. [ME procuratour < OFr < L procurator < procurare: see PROCURE] 1. an official of ancient Rome who managed the financial affairs of a province or acted as governor of a lesser province 2. a person… …   English World dictionary

  • Procurator — (lat.), 1) Verwalter, Aufseher, im römischen Privatleben der Hausverwalter, welcher die Aufsicht über das Hauswesen u. die Sklaven hatte; 2) zur Kaiserzeit in den kaiserlichen Provinzen diejenigen, welche statt der früheren Quästoren die… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Procurator — Procurator, s. Prokurator …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Procurator — Procurator, Stellvertreter, Statthalter (zur röm. Kaiserzeit) …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

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