Automated Logic Corporation

Automated Logic Corporation

Automated Logic Corporation is located in Kennesaw, Georgia, and manufactures building automation systems. Several of its technological innovations include: EIKON, a uniquely powerful, universal programming tool; SuperVision, a Graphical User Interface (GUI); ALERT alarm management; Connect third-party subsystem integration; I/O Hardware including controllers and routers; and WebCTRL, a web-based building automation system.

Automated Logic systems are installed in commercial office buildings, industrial plants, critical mission facilities, healthcare facilities, educational facilities, government complexes, hospitality/entertainment venues and retail locations worldwide.

Products are sold through an international network of dealers who design, engineer, install and support Automated Logic products. Automated Logic Corporation was acquired by the Carrier Corporation (parent: United Technologies Corp.) in 2004.

As a founding member of the BACnet Manufacturers Association, Automated Logic was one of the first to offer products using our industry’s standard protocol – BACnet.

External links

* [ Company web site]
* [ United Technologies]
* [ CtrlSpecBuilder] : Provides specifying engineers with a free on-line tool that makes it easy to create bid specifications for HVAC Control Systems.

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