Joseph R. Inge

Joseph R. Inge

Infobox Military Person
name=Joseph Richard Inge
born= birth date|1947|08|20
placeofbirth= Chase City, Virginia

caption=Lieutenant General Joseph R. Inge
allegiance=flagicon|United States United States of America
branch=United States Army
rank= Lieutenant General
commands= 3/64th Armor Regiment Co. A, 1/73rd Armor Regiment 1/1st Cavalry Division Deputy, 3rd Infantry Division First United States Army
unit= 33rd Armor Regiment 73rd Armor Regiment 1/3rd Infantry Division 3/64th Armor Regiment 1/1st Cavalry Division 3rd Infantry Division
awards=Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit (3), Meritorious Service Medal (3), Army Commendation Medal (two Bronze Service Stars), Southwest Asia Service Medal (one Bronze Service Star), Overseas Service Ribbon (4), Japanese Award of the Order of Sacred Treasure Gold and Silver, Kuwait Liberation Medal, and Joint Meritorious Unit Award.

Lieutenant General Joseph R. Inge concluded a 38-year career as an army officer as Deputy Commander, United States Northern Command, and Vice Commander, U.S. Element, North American Aerospace Defense Command (USELEMNORAD), headquartered at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado in 2007.

As Deputy Commander, United States Northern Command, General Inge helped lead the command responsible to deter, prevent and defeat threats and aggression aimed at the United States, its territories and interests within the assigned area of responsibility and, as directed by the President or Secretary of Defense, provide defense support of civil authorities including consequence management operations.

Youth and education

Joseph Richard Inge was born on August 20, 1947, in Chase City, Virginia. He was commissioned a Second Lieutenant of Armor and awarded a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agriculture upon graduation from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and its Army ROTC program on June 4, 1969. He holds a Master of Arts in Personnel Management and Administration from Central Michigan University. His military education includes the Armor Basic and Advanced Courses, the Army Command and General Staff College, and the U.S. Army War College.

Army career

Between April 1970 and June 1975 General Inge served as a Company Commander in the 33rd Armor, 3rd Armored Division in Germany and the 73rd Armor, 2nd Infantry Division in Korea.

From June 1976 to March 1978, General Inge served as Area Commander of the Jacksonville, Florida Recruiting District. He then transferred to Alexandria, Virginia to serve as Assignment Officer, Armor Branch Captains, for the United States Army Military Personnel Center until July 1980. He returned to Germany in June 1981 to serve as battalion and then brigade Executive Officer for elements of the 3rd Infantry Division. In March 1984 he was assigned as a battalion commander in the 64th Armor, 3rd Infantry Division in Germany.

From June 1987 to April 1991 General Inge held several positions in Washington, D.C., including Executive Officer, Technology Management Office, Office of the Chief of Staff, Army; Executive Officer to the Director of the Army Staff, Office of the Chief of Staff, Army; and Executive Officer to the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Logistics and Environment. In April 1991 he was appointed a Brigade Commander in the 1st Cavalry Division at Fort Hood, Texas. Following this assignment he served as Chief of Staff, U.S. Army Combined Arms Center, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas from May 1993 to Sept. 1993. He then returned to Washington, D.C. to serve as Executive Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington, D.C. until August 1995.

Following this assignment, General Inge was named Assistant Division Commander (Maneuver) of the 3rd Infantry Division (Mechanized) at Fort Stewart, Georgia, where he served until July 1996. He then returned to Kansas to serve as the Deputy Commandant of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. In August 1998 General Inge was selected as Commanding General of United States Army, Japan/9th Theater Support Command. He served in this position until June 2000, when he was appointed Deputy, The Inspector General, Office of the Secretary of the Army, in Washington, D.C. In October 2001, General Inge became commander of U.S. First Army, Fort Gillem, Georgia. In June 2004 he was confirmed as Deputy Commander, United States Northern Command, and Vice Commander, U.S. Element, North American Aerospace Defense Command.

Inge retired from active duty after 38 years of service in 2007.

Awards and decorations

General Inge’s decorations and badges include the Distinguished Service Medal; the Defense Superior Service Medal; the Legion of Merit (with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters); the Meritorious Service Medal (with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters); the Army Commendation Medal (with Oak Leaf Cluster); the Army Achievement Medal (with Oak Leaf Cluster); the Parachutist Badge; the Special Forces Tab; the Ranger Tab; the Joint Chiefs of Staff Identification Badge; and the Army Staff Identification Badge.

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