UAN is a
solution ofurea andammonium nitrate in water used as a fertilizer. The combination of urea and ammonium nitrate has an extremely lowcritical relative humidity (18% at 30°C) and can therefore only be used in liquid fertilizers. The most commonly used grade of these fertilizer solutions is UAN 32.0.0 (32%N), which consists of 45%ammonium nitrate , 35%urea and only 20% water. Other grades are UAN 28, UAN 30 and UAN 18.The solutions are quite corrosive towards mild steel (up to 500 MPY on C1010 steel) and are therefore generally equipped with a corrosion inhibitor to protect tanks, pipelines, nozzles, etc.Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Urea Ammonium Nitrate Solutions
The solutions contain a remarkably low amount of water and nevertheless have a low salt-out temperature:
* UNIDO and International Fertilizer Development Center (1998), "FertilizerManual" , Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 0-7923-5032-4.
* Simplottm UAN-32 Product Data Sheethttp://www.simplot.com/agricultural/plant/upload/Urea-Ammon-Nitrate-Solution-32-0-0.pdf
* Poole Chemical UAN 32% Solutionhttp://www.poolechemical.com/uan32solution.html
* [http://www.uhde.biz/competence/technologies/fertilisers/techprofile.de.epl?profile=7&pagetype=1&pagenum=6 Process Design]
* For a good description of the chemical composition of UAN, see the University of Nebraska Fact Sheet 288-01, "Nitrogen Sources" by Tom Dorn, Extension Educator.http://lancaster.unl.edu/ag/factsheets/288.pdf
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