Ulster Young Militants

Ulster Young Militants

The Ulster Young Militants are considered to be the youth wing of the Ulster Defence Association, a loyalist paramilitary group in Northern Ireland. Commonly known as the Young Militants or UYM, the group formed in 1974 when the Troubles were at their height. [ [http://cain.ulst.ac.uk/othelem/organ/yorgan.htm CAIN] ] Their motto is "Terrae Filius", Latin for "Son of the Land".

Their numbers are unknown, but are mainly concentrated in the Belfast area, particularly east and south Belfast. In the 1970s the group were synonymous with the "Tartan Gangs", their main activities being the intimidation of Roman Catholic families in loyalist areas of Belfast. These gangs included "The Shankhill Young Tartan", "Ardcarn Boot Boys", "Ballybeen Riot Squad" and the "Young Newtown" from the Ballymacarrett area of east Belfast. [ [http://www.whiterowpress.com/unpretend.htm "The Most Unpretending of Places, A History of Dundonald, County Down" by Peter Carr] ] Many prominent loyalists are believed to have been members of the UYM before joining the UDA. These include Andre Shoukri and Johnny Adair. [ [http://archives.tcm.ie/breakingnews/2002/09/25/story69816.asp TCM Breaking News] ]

In recent times members have been involved in rioting, particularly during the marching season and at interface areas. [ [http://www.nuzhound.com/articles/Irelandclick/war_not_over11-15-01.htm Nuzhound] ] They have also been blamed for arson attacks on Catholic schools and churches.

According to the University of Ulster's CAIN Project, the group have been responsible for one death during the conflict. In 2001 members of the UYM attacked and killed Trevor Lowry in Newtownabbey, believing him to be a Roman Catholic. It was later discovered that Lowry was a Protestant. [ [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2001/11/13/nriot13.xml Telegraph] ]


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