- Lake Plétipi
Infobox lake
lake_name = Lake Plétipi
image_lake =
caption_lake =
image_bathymetry =
caption_bathymetry =
location = centralQuebec
coords = coord|51|43|N|70|6|W|region:CA-NT_type:waterbody_scale:10000000|display=inline,title
type =
inflow =
outflow =
catchment =
basin_countries = Canada
length =
width =
area = 339 km2
depth =
max-depth =
volume =
residence_time =
shore =
elevation =
islands =
cities =
frozen =Lake Plétipi is an irregularly shaped
lake in centralQuebec ,Canada . It is fed by and drains into theRivière aux Outardes . The lake is approximately 60 km WNW of the huge impact crater known asLake Manicouagan and 80 km from the nearest road. It, nearby Lakes Matonipi and Matonipis, and their surrounding region have been proposed as a biodiversity reserve under the Natural Heritage Conservation Act of Canada. [Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs. June 2005 [http://www.mddep.gouv.qc.ca/biodiversite/reserves-bio/pletipi/PSC_Pletipi-en.pdf Proposed Plétipi lake biodiversity reserve] ] At one time, the Betsiamites, a subset of theNaskapi peoples, used to hunt in the area. [Speck, F.G., and L.C. Eiseley. 1942. [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0003-049X%2819420124%2985%3A2%3C215%3AMBAFHD%3E2.0.CO%3B2-R Montagnais-Naskapi bands and family hunting districts of the central and southeastern Labrador Peninsula] Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 85: 215-242.]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.