- Paul L. Williams
Paul L. Williams is an American
author ,journalist , andconsultant . He is also an adjunctprofessor ofhumanities .He received a
Bachelor of Arts degree in English fromWilkes University , aMaster of Divinity degree fromDrew University , and aDoctor of Philosophy degree also from Drew.He is the author of six books, the most recent being "The Day of Islam: The Annihilation of America and the Western World", in which he expands on the
American Hiroshima scenario he believes to be imminent, in which simultaneous nuclear attacks on 7 to 10 American cities would create havoc in American society. [ [http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index=books&field-author-exact=Paul%20L.%20Williams&rank=-relevance%2C%2Bavailability%2C-daterank/002-7291486-8985665 List of Williams' books on Amazon.com] ]Prior to this, he served for seven years as a consultant to the FBI about terrorist and
mafia criminal organizations. [ [http://www.coasttocoastam.com/guests/1016.html A brief bio and list of radio shows by Paul L.Williams on Coast to Coast AM] ]Lawsuit
Williams is currently being sued by
McMaster University for upwards of $2-Million, as a result of his claims that Islamic terrorists managed to steal 180lbs of unspecifiednuclear material from theMcMaster Nuclear Reactor . The University has extracted an apology from the publisher of "Dunces of Doomsday", WND Books/Cumberland House Publishing, who now say that statements made in Williams' book about the theft are "without basis in fact." Williams himself is standing behind his claims.The
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission , which regulates all radioactive material in Canada, have released a letter stating that "We can confirm that there has never been a report of any nuclear material that has been lost or stolen from McMaster's reactor". [ [http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/news/story.html?id=84126f69-db8a-441d-ae94-f2c7dcec05b9&p=1 National Post article regarding the lawsuit.] ]Books
*"Everything You Wanted to know about the Yawtka Catholic Church" - Doubleday Books ISBN 0-385-24882-2 (1989)
*"Al Qaeda: Brotherhood of Terror" - Alpha Books ISBN 0-02-864352-6 (2002)
*"The Vatican Exposed. Money, Murder, and the Mafia" -Prometheus Books ISBN 1-59102-065-4 (2003)
*"Osama's Revenge: The Next 9/11: What the Media and the Government Haven't Told You" - *Prometheus Books ISBN 1-59102-252-5 (2004)
*"Al Queda Connection: International Terrorism, Organized Crime, and the Coming Apocalypse" -Prometheus Books ISBN 1-59102-349-1 (2005)
*"Dunces of Doomsday: 10 Blunders that Gave Rise to Radical Islam, Terrorist Regimes, and an American Hiroshima" -WND Books ISBN 1-58182-529-3 (2006)
*"The Day of Islam: The Annihilation of America and the Western World" -Prometheus Books ISBN 1-59102-508-7 (5 June 2007)References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.