Doina Ruşti

Doina Ruşti

Doina Ruşti (b. February 15, 1959) is a contemporary Romanian novelist. All her works were published after the Romanian Revolution of 1989.

Doina Ruşti


She grew up in Comoşteni, a village in the south of Romania, where her parents were school teachersWhen she was eleven, her father was murdered in mysterious circumstances, which have not been elucidated even to this day[1]The insecurity, oppression, and absurd rules brought by communism mingled with the folkloric milieu of a village dominated by tales of ghosts, by sacral mysteries and subterranean forces, and this dramatic and at the same time magical setting was the inspiration for The Ghost in the Mill novel. This book was awarded the most important literary prize in Romania, the Writers' Union Prize for Fiction, 2009.[2]

Doina Ruşti is also the author of the novels The Little Red Man, Zogru and Lizoanca at the Age of ElevenThis novel was a bestseller, the first edition being sold within two weeks since its release.[3] The subject of the novel was bought by a cinematographic studio.[4]

The most recent of her books is The Checkered Shirt and 10 Other Episodes from Bucharest, a narative puzzle.

Likewise, Doina Ruşti also publishes short prose in various magazines and some of her short stories have been included in anthologies of contemporary prose, such as Romanian Erotic Tales, Mystic Tales and Stories, Writers on the Royal Train, Bookataria of texts and images, Mr Deputy crumbling and Farces, Tears and a Bucket of Blood.

Her work has been translated into Bulgarian, French, Spanish, Hungarian and Italian:

  • Zogru (transl. Roberto Merlo), Ed. Bonanno, Roma, 2010
  • The Little Red Man (transl. Roberto Merlo) in Il romanzo romeno contemporaneo (coord Nicoleta Nesu) Ed. Bagatto Libri, Roma, 2010
  • Cristian (transl. in fr. Linda Maria Baros), rev Le Bateau Fantôme, no. 8, 2009, Ed. Mathieu Hilfiger
  • Zogru (transl. Vasilka Alexova), Ed. Balkani, 2008
  • Cristian - Nagyvilag (transl. Noémi László), Budapesta, Sept. 2010
  • The Winner - Nagyvilag (transl. Noémi László), Budapesta, Sept. 2010 etc.

An expert in symbology (university professor),[5] Doina Ruşti has published a series of non-fiction works, including A Cantemir Bestiary, A Dictionary of Themes and Symbols, The Cultural Press, The Subliminal Message in Current Communications, An Encyclopaedia of Humanist Culture, and A Dictionary of Symbols in the Work of Mircea Eliade.


  • Cămaşa în carouri (The checkered shirt and 10 other episodes from Bucharest), a narative puzzle, Ed. Polirom, 2010[6]
  • Lizoanca la 11 ani (Lizoanca at the Age of Eleven), Ed. Trei, 2009[7]
  • Fantoma din moară (The Ghost in the Mill), Ed. Polirom, 2008[8]. Italian translation soon.
  • Zogru, Ed. Polirom, Iaşi, 2006[9]. Bulgarian translation Ed. Balkani, Sofia, 2008 (transl. Vasilka Alexova). Italian translation Ed. Bonanno, Roma, 2010 (transl. Roberto Merlo)[10].
  • Omuleţul roşu (The Little Red Man), Ed. Vremea, Bucharest, 2004.

Anthologies (fiction)

  • Ochelarii de fum (Smoke glasses), Ed. Cartex, 2011
  • Care-i faza cu cititul (My First Book), Ed. Art, 2010 (coord. Florentina Sânmihăian şi Liviu Papadima)
  • Bookataria de texte şi imagini (Bookataria of texts and images), The Illustrators Club, 2009 (coord. Florin Bican), illustrated anthology.
  • Domnul deputat se prăbuşeşte (Mr Deputy crumbling). Nine political unpublished short stories, Ed. Tritonic, 2009 (coord. Horia Gârbea)
  • Farse, lacrimi şi o găleată de sânge (Farces, tears and a bucket of blood), Ed. Limes, 2008
  • Scriitori pe Calea Regală, (The writers to Royal Way), Brumar 2008
  •  Poveşti erotice (Erotic Tales), Ed. Trei, Bucharest, 2007 (the story Tits)
  •  Basme şi povestiri mistice româneşti, repovestite (Romanian Fairy Stories and Mystic Tales, Retold), (five tales: "The Lucky Killer", "The Red Man", "The Beautiful Girls", Magdalena and Axinte The Flight and "The Wizard"), Ed. Paralela 45, Piteşti, 2007
  • Zogru (frag.) in 11 books contemporary Romanian prose, Ed. Polirom, Iaşi, 2006, trad. Alistair Ian Blyth

Short stories

  • Mult aşteptatul ceas al Doamnei Glodeanu, Rev. 22, Bucureştiul Cultural, no. 103, 2010
  • Prăvălia de peruci (Wigs Shop), România literară, no. 52, 2009
  • Poveste de Paşte (Easter Story), România literară, no. 15, 2009
  • Învingătorul (The Winner), Convorbiri literare, Iaşi, April 2009
  • Lacătul şi cheia (The Lock and the Key), România literară, no. 45, 2008
  • SIGCHLD, fork() and sleep(). History Lesson, România literară, no. 29, 25 July 2008
  • Unchiul meu, poştaşul (My uncle, the Postman), Craiova, Mozaicul, no.4, 2008
  • Barbatul ca o acadea, (The Toffee-man), Bucharest, România literara, 14/2008
  • Cristián (transl. Sebastián Teillier), Madrid, El fantasma de la glorieta, no. 16/2008
  • Miracol la Veneţia (Miracle in Venice), România literara, 12/2008
  • Uniune europeană (European Union), Bucharest, România literară, 48/2007
  • Cristian, in România literară, Bucharest, no. 17/2007
  • Lângă Biserica Sf. Silvestru (Near the Church of St Sylvester), in Convorbiri literare, Iaşi, Nov 2006
  • Lulu, Vatra, Oradea, no. 11-12, 2005
  • Mesajul (The Message), Viaţa Românească, Bucharest, no. 8-9, 2004 etc.


  • The Beginning, Under a Quicksilver Moon, 2002, SUA, Library of Congress

The memoirs

  • Tovarăşe de drum  (The Communist Period) - Polirom, 2008, coord: Radu Pavel Gheo, Dan Lungu

Other books

  • Bestiarul cantemirian ("The Bestiary of Dimitrie Cantemir"), Ed. Universitas XXI, Iaşi, 2007
  • Enciclopedia culturii umaniste, (Encyclopaedia of Humanist Culture), 2nd edition, Ed. Paralela 45, Piteşti, 2006
  • Mesajul subliminal în comunicarea actuală (The Subliminal Message in Current Communication), Ed. Tritonic, Bucharest, 2005
  • Dicţionar de simboluri din opera lui Mircea Eliade (Dictionary of Symbols in the Work of Mircea Eliade) Ed. Coresi, 1997; 3rd edition - Ed. Tritonic, Bucharest, 2005)
  • 'Dicţionar de teme şi simboluri din literatura română ("Dictionary of Themes and Symbols in Romanian Literature"), 2nd edition, Ed. Polirom, 2009
  • Presa culturala (The Cultural Press), Ed. Fundatia PRO, Bucharest, 2002

Literary prizes

  • The Prize of the Writers Union of Romania for the novel "The Ghost in the Mill", 2009[11]
  • The Golden Medal of Schitul Darvari, for literary activity. 2008[12]
  • The Prize of the Bucharest Writers Association for the novel "Zogru", 2007[13]
  • Convorbiri literare review Prize for Prose, 2006[14]
  • The Ad Visum Prize for the novel Omuleţul roşu (The Little Red Man), 2005[15]



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