

name = "Hispo"

image_caption =
image_width = 250px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Arachnida
ordo = Araneae
familia = Salticidae
subfamilia = Hisponinae
genus = "Hispo"
genus_authority = Simon, 1885
diversity_link = List of Salticidae species#Hispo
diversity = 11 species
type_species = "Hispo cingulata"
type_species_authority = Simon, 1885

range_map_width = 250px
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = see text

"Hispo" is a genus of the spider family Salticidae (jumping spiders).

Species of "Hispo" range in body length from 5 to 7 mm in females, and 3 to 4 in males.Murphy & Murphy 2000: 273f]


Most species are found in Madagascar, with others found in a range from Africa to India. These parts were mostly connected during the time of Gondwana, or lie close. "H. alboguttata" is found in Sumatra.


* "Hispo alboclypea" Wanless, 1981Seychelles
* "Hispo alboguttata" Simon, 1903Sumatra
* "Hispo bipartita" Simon, 1903India, Sri Lanka
* "Hispo cingulata" Simon, 1885Madagascar
* "Hispo frenata" (Simon, 1900) — Madagascar
* "Hispo inermis" (Caporiacco, 1947) — Central, East Africa
* "Hispo macfarlanei" Wanless, 1981 — Madagascar
* "Hispo pullata" Wanless, 1981 — Madagascar
* "Hispo striolata" Simon, 1898 — Seychelles
* "Hispo sulcata" Wanless, 1981 — Madagascar
* "Hispo tenuis" Wanless, 1981 — Madagascar



* (2000): An Introduction to the Spiders of South East Asia. "Malaysian Nature Society", Kuala Lumpur.
* (2007): [http://research.amnh.org/entomology/spiders/catalog/index.html The world spider catalog] , version 8.0. "American Museum of Natural History".

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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