- Jordan Telecom Group
company_name = Jordan Telecom Group
company_type = ~
company_slogan =
foundation = January 1, 1997
location = flagicon|JORAmman
key_people =
num_employees = ~
revenue = ~
industry =Telecommunications
products = Telecommuncations services
Internet services
homepage = http://www.jordantelecom.jo/Jordan Telecom Group is the principal telecommunications services provider in the
Kingdom of Jordan . Jordan Telecom is responsible for the administration of the basic telecommunicationsinfrastructure which forms the base of Jordan's telecommunications services industry.Upon
privatization on 23 January 2000,Jordan Telecom Group was 60% owned by Jordan's government. The remaining 40% of the group's shares were owned by JITCO, a holding company consisting ofFrance Telecom (88%) and theArab Bank (12%).Subsidiaries: The Jordan Telecom Group (JTG) owns the following telecommunications companies:
*Jordan Telecom
*Orange Jordan
*eDimension External links
* [http://www.jordantelecom.jo/jordantelecom/Default.aspx Jordan Telecom Group en icon]
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