List of Righteous among the Nations by country

List of Righteous among the Nations by country

This is a partial list of some of the most prominent Righteous Among the Nations per country of origin, recognized by Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority in Jerusalem. These people risked their lives or their liberty and position to help Jews during the Holocaust and indeed, some of them have been punished by death as a result. [ [ Polish Righteous Among the Nations of the World.] ] By 1 January 2008 Yad Vashem recognized 22,211 Righteous Among the Nations from 44 countries. [Yad Vashem, [ The Righteous Among the Nations] .]

Country of origin

Poland (Total: 6,066)

Netherlands (Total: 4,767)

*Miep Gies
*Corrie ten Boom
*Frits Philips
*Johan Benders & his wife, Gerritdina Benders-Letterboer
*Johan Hendrik Weidner
*Victor Kugler
*Jaap Penraat
*Jan Zwartendijk Saved 3 000
*Alida Bosshardt, also known as Majoor Bosshardt
*Marion Pritchard
*Jacobus Rijnbout & his wife Eelkje Hattuma, honored posthumously on April 20, 2004
*Jan Roorda and his wife Rien Roorda
*Dirk van Schaik
*The Sietsma brothers, Hein & Henk
*Joop & Wilhelmina Westerweel
*Joop Woortman & Jaap Musch, from the N.V. Group
*Jan Giliam
*Clara Dijkstra
*Petrus & Afra Dubelaar, Amsterdam North, and Hendrikus & Alida Dubelaar, Santport; from the Westerweel Group. [Hidden: Sam Goldberg, mother, grandmother]
*Barent Binnenkant
*Dr. Gerrit J. ten Zythoff
*Dirk Boonstra

=France (Total: 2,740) [cite web|url=|title=Righteous Among the Nations Recognized by Yad Vashem as of 1 January 2008 - France|publisher=Yad Vashem|date=2008-01-01|accessdate=2008-08-27|format=PDF] =

*Pierre Granal and his wife, Rose Granal
*André and Magda Trocmé
*Alexandre Glasberg & his brother Vila Glasberg (Victor Vermont)
*Edouard Theis
*René and Hélène Bindel, their son Jean, and Clotilde Pava
*Jacques Ellul (2001)
*Camille Ernst
*Father Pierre-Marie Benoit
*Father Jean Fleury
*Marie-Rose Gineste
*Pierre-Marie Gerlier, Cardinal of Lyon (1981)
*Dr. Adélaïde Hautval
*Jean Deffaugt
*Raoul Laporterie
*Pastor Jean Séverin Lemaire
*Gilbert Lesage
*Anne-Marie Mingat and Marthe Lerme
*Germaine Ribière
*Mother Maria
*Archbishop of Toulouse, Monseigneur Jules-Gérard Saliège
*Bishop of Montauban, Monseigneur Pierre Marie Théas
*Edouard Vigneron
*Marc Boegner

Ukraine (Total: 2,189)

*Maria Podolian and her mother
*Nikolay Leschinger
*Yekaterina Panchenko Movchan
*Raisa Makarevich and her mother, Feokla Levitkaya

Belgium (Total: 1,443)

*Joseph André (1908-1973), Catholic priest of Namur
*Queen Elisabeth of the Belgians
*Andree Geulen-Herscovici
*Jean-Baptiste Janssens (1889-1964), Superior General of the Jesuits
*Alphonse Lambrette (1884-1970)
*Jean & Editj Maertens de Noordhout
*Jeanne de Mulienaere
*Yvonne Nevéjean
*Henri Reynders
*Marie Taquet-Martens and her husband, Major Emile Taquet
*Father Henri Van Oostayen (1906 -1945)

Lithuania (Total: 693)

*Jonas Paulavicius
*Ona Simaite

Hungary (Total: 685)

*József Antall (the father of the prime minister of 1990)
*Vilmos Apor
*Kálmán Ferenczfalvi
* Béla Király
*Michnai László
*Maria Olt
*Sister Sara Salkahazi
*Gábor Sztehlo

Belarus (Total: 587)

* 01.01.2007576 Righteous. [ [ Righteous in Belarus] ]
* 01.01.2008587 Righteous. [ [ Righteous Among the Nations Recognized in 2007] ]

lovakia (Total: 465)

*bl. Pavol Peter Gojdič
*Dr. Michal Majercik and his wife Anna
*Marta Haasová

Germany (Total: 443)

*Oskar and Emilie Schindler
*Karl Plagge
*Hermann Friedrich Graebe
*Bernhard Lichtenberg
*Hermann Maas
*Armin T. Wegner
* Baron Friedrich Carl von Oppenheim
*Hans von Dohnanyi
*Karl Gröger
*Hugo Armann
*Eberhard Helmrich
*Joseph Höffner & sister Helena
*Elisabeth Abegg
*Adolf and Maria Althoff
*Dr. Albert Battel
*Major Max Liedtke
*Berthold Beitz
*Dr. H.G. Calmeyer
*Loni and Albert Harder
*Dr. Gertrud Luckner
*Dr. Otto and Gertrud Mörike
*Alfred Rossner
*Gustav Schroeder
*Otto Weidt
*Maria von Maltzan
*Father Alfred Delp,SJ

=Italy (Total: 417) [cite web|url=|title=Righteous Among the Nations Recognized by Yad Vashem as of 1 January 2008 - Italy|publisher=Yad Vashem|date=2008-01-01|accessdate=2008-08-27|format=PDF] =

*Father Arrigo Beccari
*Father Aldo Brunacci
*Sister Ester Busnelli
*Sister Cornelia Cordini
*Father Antonio Dressino
*Father Leone Maria Ehrhard
*Cardinal Vincenzo Fagiolo
*Odoardo Focherini
*Mother Elisabetta Hesselblad (2004)
*Pietro Lestini and his daughter, Giuliana Lestini
*Dr. Giusseppe Moreali
*Father Rufino Niccacci
*Monsignore Giuseppe Nicolini
*Giovanni Palatucci
*Cardinal Pietro Palazzini
*Giorgio Perlasca
*Lorenzo Perrone
*Monsignore Angelo Rotta, Apostolic Nuncio to Hungary (1997)
*Father Emanuele Stablum
*Gaetano Tantalo
*Carlo Travaglini

Greece (Total: 271)

*Princess Alice of Greece
*Archbishop Damaskinos
*Dr. Nikolaou Kostas
*Bishop Chrysostomos of Zakynthos
*Angelos Evert, head of Athenian police
*Loukas Carrer, mayor of Zakynthos
*Archbishop Ioakim of Volos
*Yerassimos Paloumbis Kephalonia
*Princess Helen of Greece and Denmark

erbia (Total: 124)

Russia (Total: 124)

*Tatiana Zelenskaya
*Nikolay Kiselev

Croatia (Total: 106)

*See Croatian Righteous Among the Nations

Latvia (Total: 103)

*Janis Lipke

Austria (Total: 85)

*Dorothea Neff
*Gottfried von Einem

Romania (Total: 53)

*Viorica Agarici
*Traian Popovici
*Raoul Şorban
* Prince Constantin Karadja [] , Romanian diplomat

Norway (Total: 41)

"For a complete list, see Norwegian Righteous Among the Nations"

*Ingebjorg Sletten
*Nic Waal
*Nina Hasvold
*Gerda Tanberg
*Martin Solvang
*Ola Rauken
*Ola Breisjøberget
*Sigrid Helliesen Lund
*Per Faye-Hansen

witzerland (Total: 38)

*Paul Grueninger
*Carl Lutz
*Friedrich Born
*Ernst Prodolliet
*Elizabeth Eidenbenz

Denmark (Total: 22)

The Danish Underground requested that all its members who participated in the rescue of the Danish Jews should not be listed individually, but commemorated as one group, according to the Righteous among the Nations [ website] .

Bulgaria (Total: 17)

*Dimitar Peshev
*Dimo Kazasov

United Kingdom (Total: 14)

*Charles Coward
*Frank Foley
*Jane Haining (the only Scot on the list)

*Albert Bedane
* June Ravenhall

Armenia (Total: 10)

* Jeretzian, Ara (1981)
* Kisheshyan, Arut & Zagoruiko Natalia; daughter Almaza (2003)
* Mkrtchyan, Vartan; mother Arakel (1999)
* Shakhbazyan, Knarik (1999)
* Tadschjian, Aram & Felicia (1992)
* Tashchyan, Grigori and Pran; children: Asmik and Tigran (2002)

weden (Total: 9)

*Raoul Wallenberg - Secretary of the Swedish Legation in Budapest 1944-45 (Recognised in 1963)
*Valdemar & Nina Langlet - Swedish Red Cross delegates in Budapest, 1944-45 (Recognised in 1965)
*Per Anger - Secretary of the Swedish Legation in Budapest 1944-45 (Recognised in 1980)
*Lars Berg - Swedish Consul in Budapest 1944-45 (Recognised in 1982)
*Carl Ivan Danielsson - Swedish Ambassador in Budapest 1944-45 (Recognised in 1982)
*Erik Myrgren - Priest at the Swedish Church in Berlin in 1944-45 (Recognised in 1986)
*Elow Kihlgren - Swedish Honorary Consul in Genoa in 1944 (Recognised in 2001)
*Erik Perwe - Vicar of the Swedish Church in Berlin 1942-44 (Recognised in 2006)

lovenia (Total: 6)

*Ivan Breskar
*Zora Pičulin
*Uroš Žun

pain (Total: 3)

*Angel Sanz Briz
*Jose Santaella
*Eduardo Propper de Callejon

Estonia (Total: 3)

*Uko Masing

USA (Total: 3)

*Varian Fry, Emergency Rescue Committee representative in France
*Martha Sharp
*Waitstill Sharp

China (Total: 2)

*Pan Jun Shun
*Ho Feng Shan

Brazil (Total: 2)

*Luiz Martins de Souza Dantas
*Aracy de Carvalho Guimarães Rosa


*Maria Edwards McClure


*Hugh O'Flaherty


*Chiune Sugihara, Japanese Consul (Kovno, Lithuania)Saved at least 10 000


*Victor Bodson, Minister of Justice


*Aristides Sousa Mendes Portuguese consul-general (Bordeaux, France), issued thousands of visas in order to allow 30,000 Jews to escape the Nazis.


*Selahattin Ulkumen, Turkish consul-general (Rhodes)


*The total of the Righteous Among the Nations recognized by Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, as of January 1, 2008 is 22,211.

ee also

*List of people who assisted Jews during the Holocaust



* "Those who Helped: Polish Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust" - Publisher: Main Commission for the Investigation of Crimes against the Polish Nation--The Institute of National Memory (1993) ISBN-10: 8390335646
* Fogelman, Eva. Conscience & Courage: Rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust. New York: Doubleday, 1994.
* Bercher, Elinor J. Schindler's Legacy: True Stories of the List Survivors. New York: Penguin, 1994.
* Michał Grynberg, "Księga Sprawiedliwych (Book of the Righteous)", Warsaw, PWN, 1993.

External links

* [ List of all Righteous sorted by Countries] (by Yad Vashem)

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