- William Fraser (bishop)
William Fraser († 1297) was a late 13th century
Bishop of St Andrews and Guardian of the Kingdom of Scotland. Before election to the bishopric, he had been and Royal Chancellor of KingAlexander III of Scotland and dean of Glasgow. He was elected to the bishopric onAugust 4 ,1279 , and confirmed in the position the following year byPope Nicholas III In 1295, William was sent to France as part of the king's attempt to gained an alliance with the French king, on
August 20 , 1297. William was one of the leading political figures in the kingdom during the crisis that emerged in the aftermath of King Alexander. In 1290, he was elected as one of the six Guardians of Scotland, the six oligarchs who ran Scotland until the accession of King John Balliol. When the latter was appointed asKing of Scots by KingEdward I of England , William retained his role as one of the country's leading political players. In 1295, William was sent toFrance as part of the king's attempt to gained an alliance with the King of the French. He remained in France for the remaining two years of his life, and died atArtuyl , onAugust 20 , 1297. He was buried in the church of the "Preaching Friars" inParis . His heart was returned toSt Andrew s, and was buried in the wall of the church by his successor,William de Lamberton .References
*Dowden, John, "The Bishops of Scotland", ed. J. Maitland Thomson, (Glasgow, 1912)
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