Bahaa Trabelsi

Bahaa Trabelsi

Bahaa Trabelsi is a Moroccan novelist.

Trabelski was born in Rabat and went to secondary school in Maroc, emigrated to France. After her graduation in France (troisième cycle) she returned to Morocco for some time. She now holds a PhD in economic studies from the University of Aix en Provence. She is the author of the successful novel "Une femme simplement" (1995). "Une Vie à trois" is her second novel. Bahaa has worked in a government job and is now al journalist and head of the Morrocan magazine "Masculin" and prominent member of an assciation fighting Aids.Her third novel is "Slim".

External links

*fr icon [ Interview with Trabelsi]
*fr icon [ Article by Trabelsi]

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