André Manuel

André Manuel

"This wiki is about the Dutch singer. For the American hip hop producer, see The Unknown DJ"

André Manuel (born 1966, Diepenheim)is a Dutch singer and performer. He is also known as a socially aware comedian.

His first band was called Fratsen, formed in 1985 and when that group disbanded, formed Krang in 1996.

Krang released many albums, but the main notoriety of the group emerged from their shows, which were often seen as very controversial. The band were nominated for an Edison - the oldest and most prestigious Dutch music award in 2000.

In September of that year, Manuel made headlines when he greeted a visit of Dutch crown prince Willem-Alexander and his future wife Máxima Zorreguieta to Diepenheim by mooning out of his window.

Krang split in 2004, and Manuel continued to perform as a solo artist. He has also released a book entitled Het Tragische EindeVan De Nederlander Zoals Wij Hem Kennen (The Tragic End Of The Dutchman As We Know Him).

External links

* [ André Manuel - Official Website]
* [ Krang - Official Bandsite]
* [ Dutch pop institute] (in Dutch)

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