- Uninvited Guests
Infobox Dad's Army
episode_number episode_name=038 - Uninvited Guests
script= Jimmy Perry and David Croft
director=David Croft
producer=David Croft
recorded=|Friday 4/12/70
original_transmission=Friday 11/12/70 8.00pm
length=30 minutes
viewing_figures=13.1 million
preceding=A. Wilson (Manager)?
following=Fallen Idol|"Uninivited Guests" is the twelfth episode of the fourth series of the British comedy series "
Dad's Army " that was originally transmitted on Friday11 December 1970 .Synopsis
Following the bombing of ARP HQ, Hodges moves his wardens into the church hall alongside the Home Guard. Mainwaring, appalled by this development, protests to the vicar, Area HQ, the Civil Defence people and a fellow Rotarian, and eventually Hodges' mob are ordered to leave, but not for another week.
While Mainwaring is testing his new communication system, talking through sweet tins strung together by string, trouble is brewing on the horizen. The
ARP Headqauerters has been bombed the previous night, and the town clerk and vicar have given them permission to move in with the Home Guard at the parish hall. Mainwaring, naturally, is appalled at having to share his office with Hodges, and the hall with his "rabble". He orders his men to get rid of him, andCorporal Jones chases him out with a bayonet.Hodges returns, this time with the full power of the law, and takes over half the hall. The Home Guard platoon struggle to come to terms with this new sharing arrangement, and even the usually aimable Walker is unimpressed, through he takes the chance to sell the Wardens a 'firelighter' to light the stove. While Mainwring and Hodges are wrestling for control of the office telephone, a call comes through altering them to a fire on a large building next to St Audlams church. After initially calling for the fire bridgade, they realise it is in fact their own headquarters that is ablaze, the chimney set alight by Walkers' firelighter.
The Wardens and Home Guard combine forces to try and put it out, entaling a rooftop drama with a hose and buckets of water. Eventually Wilson puts out the fire with a pinch of salt, despite Mainwarings scepticism. Just as they are about to exit the roof, Mainwaring, Hodges and there men are trapped in a thunder storm by a falling ladder, leading Mainwaring to ask Wilson if "the Fire Brigade wouldn't mind popping round".
*cite book|title=The Complete A-Z of Dad’s Army|author=Croft, David; Perry, Jimmy; Webber, Richard|date=2000|publisher=Orion|isbn= 0-75284-637-X
*imdb title|0552342
*tv.com episode|67143
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