Conventicle Act

Conventicle Act

The Conventicle Act can refer to any of the following English Acts of Parliament:

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  • Conventicle Act 1664 — A sermon in the mountains A Covenanters Conventicl …   Wikipedia

  • Conventicle Act of 1593 — The Law= The Conventicle Act of 1593 was an English law requiring separatists to convert to Anglicanism. Those who refused to convert were to be executed or most likely exiled. [ The Western Heritage . 8E. Donald Kagan, Steven Ozmet, Frank M.… …   Wikipedia

  • Act of Uniformity 1662 — The Act of Uniformity was an Act of the Parliament of England, 14 Charles II c. 4 (1662), which required the use of all the rites and ceremonies in the Book of Common Prayer in Church of England services. It also required episcopal ordination for …   Wikipedia

  • Act of Uniformity — Over the course of English parliamentary history there were a number of acts of uniformity. All had the basic object of establishing some sort of religious orthodoxy within the English church.*The Act of Uniformity 1549 (2 3 Edward VI, c 1) which …   Wikipedia

  • Five Mile Act 1665 — The Five Mile Act, or Oxford Act, or Nonconformists Act 1665, is an Act of the Parliament of England (17 Charles II c. 2), passed in 1665 with the long title An Act for restraining Non Conformists from inhabiting in Corporations . It was one of… …   Wikipedia

  • Conventicles Act 1670 — A Covenanters Conventicle.[1] The Conventicles Act 1670 is an Act of the Parliament of England (22 Car. II. c. 1) with the long title An Act to prevent and suppress Seditious Conventicles …   Wikipedia

  • Konventikel — Der Ausdruck Konventikel das; s, : (lat.: conventiculum, Diminutiv von conventus = „kleine Zusammenkunft“, vergleiche Konvent) bezeichnet allgemein eine im Wesentlichen private religiöse Zusammenkunft in einem Wohnhaus außerhalb eines… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Margaret Fell — ou Margaret Fox (1614 23 avril 1702) est l une des fondatrices de la Société religieuse des Amis (quakers), elle est surnommée « la mère du quakerisme ». Elle fait partie des premiers prédicateurs quakers connus sous le nom de …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Penal law — This article is about penal law as understood in the English law system. For a more general article, see criminal law. In the most general sense, penal is the body of laws that are enforced by the State in its own name and impose penalties for… …   Wikipedia

  • Protestantism — /prot euh steuhn tiz euhm/, n. 1. the religion of Protestants. 2. the Protestant churches collectively. 3. adherence to Protestant principles. [1640 50; PROTESTANT + ISM] * * * One of the three major branches of Christianity, originating in the… …   Universalium

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